The Moors Murderers BY: KELSIE HUTSKO Myra Hindley Ian Brady
Background: Myra Hindley Born July 23, 1942 in Manchester, England First child Mom and dad were constantly working Parents sent her to live with her grandmother after her sister was born At age 5, she was in primary school but an abundance of absences led to poor grades putting her in a local grade school In high school she showed talent in creative writing, poetry, and swimming. Was bullied for her wide hips and the shape of her nose. Was locally well-known babysitter (the kids’ parents said she demonstrated a genuine love for children At age 15, a close friend, Michael Higgins died in a drowning accident leading her to depression After Michael’s death, she stated bleaching her hair, wearing darker makeup, and smoking the occasional cigarette to try to look older At age 17, she got engaged to Ronnie Sinclair but called it off uninterested in a marriage lifestyle. At age 19, she fell in love with Ian Brady, a store clerk who had just been released from prison and gave herself over to his complete control.
Background: Ian Brady Born in Glasgow, Scotland on January 2,1938 Raised by single mother Peggy Stuart As an infant, him mother worked as a waitress and left him home alone for long periods at a time At 4 months old, his mother put him up for unofficial adoption with semi-regular visits At age 12, his mother stopped visiting him all together. At age 16, he developed a fascination with the Nazis and the writings of Nietzsche, and began a career in petty crime and burglary Became interested with The Third Reich, the writings of the Marquis de Sade, and other sadistic authors. At age 17, ended up in Strangeways Prison Released from prison in 1957 at the age of 19 Started working manual jobs including working as a store clerk Met Myra Hindley in 1961 at the age of 23. Tested Myra’s loyalty to him by having her plan a robbery. Side note: popular with the culture of that time in Ireland Def: the felony of breaking into and entering the house of another at night with intent to steal Def: official Nazi designation for the regime in Germany from January 1933 to May 1945 Def: the felonious taking of the property of another from his or her person or in his or her immediate presence, against his or her will, by violence or intimidation
CrimeDateVictim Punishment Sexual Assault: Ian and Myra Murder: Ian and Myra July 12, 1963Pauline Reade (F) Age: 16 Both: n/a Sexual Assault: Ian and Myra Murder: Ian and Myra November 23, 1963John Kilbride (M) Age: 12 Ian: Life imprisonment Myra: 7 year imprisonment Sexual Assault: Ian Murder: Ian June 16, 1964Keith Bennett (M) Age: 12 Both: n/a Sexual Assault: Ian Murder: Ian and Myra Child Pornography: Ian and Myra December 26, 1964Lesley Ann Downey (F) Age: 10 Both: life imprisonment Murder: Ian and MyraOctober 6, 1965Edward Evans (M) Age: 17 Both: life imprisonment The Moors Murderers’ Murders ** Got their name because they buried their victims in Saddleworth Moor, near Manchester in northern England. The couple also spent a lot of time on the moor picnicking and taking picture of each other– sometimes on the children’s graves. Def: any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient Def: the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. Def: sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings, or the like, whose purpose is to elicit sexual arousal using a child subject
Evidence 1. Luggage: The photographs 13 minute– tape recording 2. Witness: David Smith witnesses the murder of Edward Evans and reported it to the police on October 6, Confession: 1987: confess to the murders of Keith and Pauline
Sentencing!! Ian Brady: Life Imprisonment for the murders of John Kilbride, Lesley Ann Downey, and Edward Evans. (Still living in prison but asks to die everyday) Myra Hindley: Life imprisonment for the murders of John Kilbride and Lesley Ann Downey and 7 years imprisonment for the knowledge of Edward Evans (died in prison at age 60 in 2002 from respiratory issues) "I really liked Mrs. Reade and used to feel sorry for her because she had problems with her nerves and always looked as though she was on the edge of a breakdown.” –Myra Hindley "After the first murder, as we were driving home, he told me that if I'd shown any signs of backing out, I would have finished up in the same grave as Pauline.“ –Myra Hindley "A criminal in a pursuit of crime is going to gain from the crime. He has given a value to the person he is about to kill.“- Ian Brady
Cultural Reference Music: Suffer little Children by the Smiths Over the moor, take me to the moor Dig a shallow grave And I'll lay me down Over the moor, take me to the moor Dig a shallow grave And I'll lay me down Lesley-Anne, with your pretty white beads Oh John, you'll never be a man And you'll never see your home again Oh Manchester, so much to answer for Edward, see those alluring lights? Tonight will be your very last night A woman said: "I know my son is dead I'll never rest my hands on his sacred head" Hindley wakes and Hindley says: Hindley wakes, Hindley wakes, Hindley wakes, and says: "Oh, wherever he has gone, I have gone" But fresh lilaced moorland fields Cannot hide the stolid stench of death Fresh lilaced moorland fields Cannot hide the stolid stench of death Hindley wakes and says: Hindley wakes, Hindley wakes, Hindley wakes, and says: "Oh, whatever he has done, I have done" But this is no easy ride For a child cries: "Oh, find me... find me, nothing more We are on a sullen misty moor We may be dead and we may be gone But we will be, we will be, we will be, right by your side Until the day you die This is no easy ride We will haunt you when you laugh Yes, you could say we're a team You might sleep BUT YOU WILL NEVER DREAM! Oh, you might sleep BUT YOU WILL NEVER DREAM! You might sleep BUT YOU WILL NEVER DREAM!" Oh Manchester, so much to answer for Oh, find me, find me! Find me! I'll haunt you when you laugh Oh, I'll haunt you when you laugh You might sleep BUT YOU WILL NEVER DREAM! Oh... Over the moors, I'm on the moor Oh, over the moor Oh, the child is on the moor
The Theory: The Differential-Association Theory The Differential-Association Theory describes Myra Hindley’s case simply because of her relationship to Ian Brady. Ian Brady had influenced Myra greatly on her decision to purse the murders of the young children. He put it in her head that this was what he wanted and it was what would make him happy using her love for him in his favor, taking complete control over her. Myra grew up being unwanted by her parents and as she got older she longed for someone to want her and need her and Ian gave her that. She learned his criminal behavior from his knowledge that he has already obtained from his past and she began to understand the forensics and how to attempt to get away with it all. Her love for him really is what dragged her into her life of crime and murder. As Myra grew up being very perceptive of the people around her. She would hang with people who wore lots of makeup, coated themselves in dark clothes, and dabbled with cigarettes. In turn, she began to do the same. So, when the love of her life wanted to kill children in order to fulfill his own sadistic fantasy, she was influenced do the same. Her behavior was clearly determined by the company she kept and because of that, she spent her last few days in prison.