Think differently
AB Two explorers in a jungle
AB Better get my running kit on
B Fool, you can’t outrun a tiger
A I don’t need to. I just need to outrun you.
All too often brands don’t ask the right questions. Without the right question or an understanding who they actually need to beat, how can we hope to succeed?
It’s human nature to follow the herd, do what everyone else does rather than think independently
Success comes from being different and asking better questions
When you start asking the right questions amazing things happen. You can the world the chance to see.
You can cure disease. The United Nations needed to get medicines to people in war regions but the more they spent the less aid got through. The right question: Who always gets through?
You can cure disease. Certain parts of the world the welfare of The right question: Who always gets through? You can change how a society looks at dogs. Dogs will never be on the agenda whilst they are perceived to harm children The right question: How do you stamp our rabies?
You can keep hearts beating BHF knew that the CPR skills after a heart attack were key to survival but no one wants to learn First Aid The right question: How do you make it Simple for everyone remember CPR?
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Vs. You can worry the dominant market leader For years Pepsi acted like Coca Cola, advertising cola drinks and growing the Cola market. Thing is, market growth is expensive and you send more business to the leader than you get. So they asked the right question: How do we make Coca Cola customers drink Pepsi?
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And better questions lead to being different. In branding being different is critical.
QUICK TEST: 1.How many black icons? 2.How many orange icons?
1.Too many to count? 2.1. For those that need to know, the answer was 224
What our minds actually see:
Marketing is about share of the audiences’ mind So for 1/225 th of the cost of their advertising is actually getting a 50% share of the audiences mind If marketing is about share of mind, being different is critical; and it’s cheaper
Marketing is about share of the audiences’ mind The annual UK spend on advertising: £17bn 4% 7% 89% FORGOTTEN £15.13bn wasted by following the herd ?
That’s why we’re yellow not blue That’s why it’s the dog talking not the human That’s why we don’t judge We try to be different.
Being different 15 years ago most advertising to women on cosmetics in the UK was like this.
Dove asked a better question Rather than copy everyone’s faked images of perfection they asked how best to appeal to the women who really buy our products? Real women.
It changed the business
It changed the market
And the same thinking is starting to change the health of a nation Please click the following link to view the video
But it starts with better questions Please click the following link to view the video
Thank you
Some basic questions to start with What are the rules of the game; do you need to live by them? What or who actually needs to lose for you to win Can you change or reduce the size of the problem? Can you piggyback someone else? What are others weaknesses?