Lesson #5: Goals for the Course Teen Leadership
Objectives Comprehend the concept of “personal mastery” as a component of leadership Identify personal goals for the course Learn to use the “hamburger bun” method of developing a speech. Identify skills needed to deliver a speech well
Personal Mastery What does the term “personal mastery” mean to you?
What does Personal Mastery mean? Personal mastery means leaders want to be all that they can be. They are growing. They are committed to learning and to education. They want their lives to make a difference in the world. They have a very clear idea about the kind of person they ultimately want to become.
Have any of you, ever considered thoughts about this before? Do YOU have the characteristics needed to achieve personal mastery in your own life?
Goals for the Course Turn to page 9 in your Student Manual. Go through the list and check ALL of the items that express your goals for Teen Leadership. What essentially do you want to get out of this course? Remember, what you get out of this course greatly depends upon what you put into this course. Make this goal setting activity meaningful as you reflect on what you would really like to get out of taking this class. Now, go back through the goals you identified, and rank your top THREE
Knowing what your goals are will help you to keep them in your mind as you progress through this class, thereby helping you to achieve such goals. Communicating your goals to others also helps you to clearly define them, and strive to achieve them.
Goal Setting – Video Inspiration One Step at a Time – Video One Step at a Time – Video Goal Setting Creates the Finish Line Goal Setting Creates the Finish Line Never Give Up On Your Goals Never Give Up On Your Goals
Preparing a Speech It’s time for our next speech!! The topic is: THREE GOALS I HAVE FOR MYSELF WHILE AT KMS and HOW I AM GOING TO TRY AND ACCOMPLISH THEM. In your speech tell us your top THREE goals for your time here at KMS and the SPECIFIC steps you’re going to take in order to help you achieve them. The speech will be for one minute and thirty seconds.
Hamburger Bun Method for Speeches (Flip Flippen) Always be sure to give your speech a title. Use the Hamburger Bun Method to help you prepare the rest of your speech Tell us WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO SAY Then, SAY IT And tell us WHAT YOU SAID! Work hardest on writing and memorizing your OPENING and your CLOSING lines. Good openings and closings will really stick in people’s minds and help them remember what you said.
Journal Questions for Today Think of someone you know who has set goals for his/her life. How do you know that this person has goals? Explain. In your opinion, what effect do goals appear to have on this person’s life? Explain and give examples. REMEMBER….the MINIMUM expectations for the journal response is AT LEAST one developed PARAGRAPH to get full credit!