Occupational Therapy “ The value of using Occupational Therapists to achieve early return to work/function in litigious and non-litigious Accident, Sickness, Medical and Protection claims.”
OT - A role in every chapter of life
Who Are You?!
You In The World…
What Happens When Things Go Wrong..
OT - The Missing Link in the Workplace
OT Approach -Assessment of person – medical & work ax -Subjective & objective information - Functional assessment/baselines/role -Activity/task analysis – tea? -Assessment of work environment -Collaborative working/education -Goal setting -Graded or modified activities -Rehabilitation plan Review and Repeat Outcome - Full time return - Part time return - Perm modified duties - Unable to retain position
Tea anyone?! Making a Cup of Tea or Coffee Planning and organisation – preparing, planning and carrying out the task safely and efficiently Initiation –being able to start the task Procedural memory – remembering how to carry out the task Judgement and decision making – making decisions about how strong and how hot to make tea Recognition and naming of objects – knowing what a teapot and cup or mug is Sequencing steps – putting the steps needed in the right order Recall of prior learning – remembering past learning of the same task Fine motor skills – finer small movements such as fingers Hand – eye co-ordination – the eyes help the hands to operate and the hands guide the eyes. Spatial awareness – knowing where the objects you need are, knowing the spaces you are in Comprehension – making sense or understanding what you are doing or seeing Word recognition – recognises the words you read
OT Helping Employers & Individuals “When it came to returning to work Jo was able to work with my employer to help them understand the complexities of my situation, the sort of things they could expect, how they could help and how we could all work together to create a plan and structure that would allow me to complete a phased return to work.” “I am so grateful for her help, assistance and understanding in helping us find the light and the end of the tunnel and then leading us towards it. I am convinced that without the intervention of an OT I would not be where I am today.”