Planning for Effective Program Implementation Christine Venturis, Developmental Studies Center Kelli Cedo, Virginia Beach School District
In this session, participants will: Discuss the support needed for successful innovation Consider the steps needed to plan their own implementations Hear the experiences of others who have successfully implemented change
a good idea is no longer enough… Innovation is defined as – a good idea executed well Tim Brown, Change By Design
Teambuilder Think about the last initiative you were a part of... Teambuilder Think about the last initiative you were a part of... What was challenging? Why? What went well? Why?
Successful Implementation Factors Teacher Buy-In Existing Curriculum Professional Development Administrative Support Existing Instructional Practices Time Standards Other Distinct Initiatives District Capacity for Ongoing Teacher Support
Successful Implementation Discuss, with a partner, these nine factors that influence successful implementation. Think about why they have this effect. Place them in a diamond shape, in order of how great you think their influence is on implementation.
One District’s Journey School Year Vision Content Area ResourcePD ModelTeacher InputOutcomesFunding Improve Reading ReadingMaking Meaning Common Message Set & Get Touchbacks District MandatedResistance Adoption Rejected Partial Grades in K-2 Reading Improvement Grant Improve Reading and Writing Making Meaning and Being A Writer 2008 Common Message Onsite PD in 8 Schools PD for Admin 2009 Train-the Trainer Lab-site Embedded PD Model Survey District Committee Presentations Curriculum Host Sites Coach Connection Instructional Council Exit Evaluations Adoption of Being A Writer with 2/3 Majority teacher Vote Board Approved Growing use of both programs Reading Improvement Grant
One District’s Journey School Year Vision Content Area ResourcePD ModelTeacher InputOutcomesFunding 2010 Balanced Literacy Framework Language Reading Writing Making Meaning and Being a writer Common Message Train- the trainer Lab-site Embedded PD Model PD for Admin Literacy Audit Internal and External Review process Survey Instructional Council Exit Evaluations Board Approved Framework for use in all classrooms K-6 th grades Growing use of both programs in grades K-6th Title II Funds 2011 Balanced Literacy Framework Language Reading Writing Making Meaning Being a Writer Common Core All Above and Lesson Study Initiative Literacy Survey Coach Connection Exit Evaluations TBDTitle II Funds
Professional Development – The Key How will administrators be included in the trainings? Who can provide continued, embedded support? What current professional development supports do you have in place? To provide initial training in new programs? To provide on-going implementation support?
21 st Century Skills Responding to Student Needs Balanced Assessment Building Teacher Capacity Division Strategic Plan Felner, Bolton, Seitsinger, Brand and Burns 2008 Research & Accountability
21 st Century Skills Professional Learning Communities Meeting all Students’ Needs Assessing the School Needs Intentional Instruction
ResearchSeeing it in action Support Partnerships (DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, & Many, 2006)
Buy-In IntentionCulture ShiftCollaboration Goal Setting
Isolation is the enemy of improvement. Richard Elmore Goal Deeper understanding of the power of intentional planning and professional learning communities by all staff
Pulse Check- Thinking and Working Go back to your diamond and the new initiative you are thinking about implementing... Based upon what you have so far, what might be your goal? Do you need to do more assessment to know if this is the change that needs to take place and in what frame? Who might you need to work with to tweak this goal when you return to your district?
Utilization of resources Alignment Time Choice Reflection Framework
Partnership School & Classroom DifferentiatedStudent Centered
Adaptive Change Stakeholders Follow Through American Psychological Association (BEA) 1997
Successful Change Vision+Skills+Incentives+Resources+ =Treadmill Vision+Skills+Incentives++ Action Plan =Frustration Vision+Skills++Resources+ Action Plan =Resistance Vision++Incentives+Resources+ Action Plan =Anxiety +Skills+Incentives+Resources+ Action Plan =Confusion Vision+Skills+Incentives+Resources+ Action Plan =Change PW p. 27 ( Knoster, Villa, and Thousand 2000)