Active Server Pages v.s. Java Server Pages Presenters: Lan Guo Qunying Fan Pei-Xun Wu Date:
What is Active Server Pages(ASP)? Developed by Microsoft Server-side Script Executed in Web Server Response to user request
Which web server can run ASP? Windows Platform: - Internet Information Server (IIS 3.0 ~ 5.0) for NT/ Personal Web Server for Win98 Non-Windows Platform: - Chilisoft ASP product for Unix variants
Structure of ASP(1/2) HTML Document Server-side Script Using Script element - ex. Using element - ex. - - Support two (or more) Script Language VBScript (default) JScript switch by using
Structure of ASP (2/2) Server-side Include - Including separate files by or
Processing an ASP File ASP pages are.asp files Locate server-side code Compile server-side code by proper scripting engines Insert result to appropriate points into the page Send the page to IIS
Web Server ISAPI ASP DLL ASP Script Scripting Engines Database ASP with Web Server Internet Serer Application Programming Interface
The Intrinsic ASP Objects (1/3) Response Object - used to access the response created to send back to client Application Object - created when ASP DLL is loaded - provide a repository for storing variables and object reference - available for all pages
The Intrinsic ASP Objects (2/3) Session Object - created for each visitor when they first request ASP page - remain available till default time out - store variables and object references - available only to the pages that this visitor opens Server Object - provide method and properties used in scripting with ASP ASPError Object - provide detail information about the last error occured
The Intrinsic ASP Objects (2/2) Session Object Application Object Request Response Session Object Request Response Server Object ASPError Object Client Server
ASP Performance Graphs
ASP Conclusion Completely embedded with HTML, Script No manually Compiling Object Oriented and can expand function of ActiveX Server Component Browser Compliant Code hiding Easily coding Efficiency