Image Field Data Image Caption Inside pastedown and flyleaf, INC M212. General Description 15th century Italian sheepskin binding. Country / Style Italy Period 15th century Call Number INC M212 Author Marchesinus, Johannes. Title [Mammotrectus super Bibliam] Prologus autoris in Mamotrectum. Created / Published Impresse Venetijs : [Gabriele Grassi] : Opera [et] impensis Francisci de Madijs, [not before 19 Nov.] Hamnet URL Provenance Bookplate of "James H. Hammond" on back pastedown. Dimensions 184 x 120 x 45 mm Covering Material Ocher sheepskin over wooden boards. Rebacked with calfskin. Sewing Sewn on three alum-tawed split thongs recessed into the wooden boards and secured with iron nails. Headbands Back bead linen thread over alum-tawed thongs. Bottom headband missing. Edge Treatment Colored red. End Papers Manuscript vellum fragments of statutes of a city with annotations (14th cent.?) at beginning and end of the book with paper paste- downs. Closures Evidence of a single clasp hinging from the front cover catching on the back cover. Trefoil shaped catch extant on back cover. Evidence of early chain attachment at the foot of the back cover. Decorative Description Blind tooled in a three panel design created by a triple variable width fillet. The first and second panels are diagonally linked at the corners and the second panel is filled with repeated impressions from a rectangular plant between cornucopia stamps. The center panel has a column pattern in the center made from twelve repeated impressions of a filled pointille rhombus stamp. Binding Terms (RBMS) Leather bindings -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Sheepskin bindings -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Turn-ins -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- Italy -- 15th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Recycled back page, INC G335. General Description Contemporary 15th century Italian binding. Country / Style Italy Period 15th century Call Number INC G335 Author Gratian, 12th cent. Title [Decretum] Exactu[m] diuinis auspicijs Decretum... Created / Published Venetijs imp[re]ssum : Cura impensisq[ue] magistri Petri Cremone[n]sis, dicti Veronensis de Plasijs..., anno ab Incarnatione D[omi]ni 1483 die xxv. Ianuarij... Hamnet URL Provenance Manuscript notes on manuscript fragment used as endpaper at front, faint, mostly illegible "p[ro]pheta d[e] Bononia[?] an[n]o 1521 i[n] loco Com̃odj [?] tenui hu[n]c libru[m]"; another inscription in verse on recto of 1st leaf "Papara progenies: Patria est Theatina: Ioan[n]es Nornetj[?]: Caesarum ius mihi cura prior..."; autograph on leaf A2r "Cesare Fedele". Dimensions 255 x 176 x 106 mm Covering Material Burgundy goatskin over beech boards. Sewing Sewn on three three split alum tawed thongs inset into the board and pinned with iron nails. Headbands Primary wrapped linen over a cochineal dyed tawed core with secondary herringbone sewing (much worn). Edge Treatment Faint ink inscription on the top edge. End Papers Fragment of a vellum manuscript choir book used as endpaper at front of the book. Closures Evidence of two clasps catching on the back cover. Only strap nails extant. Evidence of five crenellated round bosses on the front and back covers, none extant. Decorative Description The front cover is a blind tooled multiple panel design. The outer border is a combination of three single line fillets, then a border of flowers in a square pot stamp repeated around the cover, then a rectangular stamp of a leafy scroll tooled around the cover creating another border. Next are several other panels created with double line fillets, the innermost filled with an indistinguishable decorative stamp. The back cover is similarly designed but with different decorative stamps. There is a covered half star burst stamp and an elaborate knot rope stamp (badly worn). Binding Terms (RBMS) Goatskin bindings -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Leather bindings -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Turn-ins -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- Italy -- 15th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Recycled middle page, INC G335. General Description Contemporary 15th century Italian binding. Country / Style Italy Period 15th century Call Number INC G335 Author Gratian, 12th cent. Title [Decretum] Exactu[m] diuinis auspicijs Decretum... Created / Published Venetijs imp[re]ssum : Cura impensisq[ue] magistri Petri Cremone[n]sis, dicti Veronensis de Plasijs..., anno ab Incarnatione D[omi]ni 1483 die xxv. Ianuarij... Hamnet URL Provenance Manuscript notes on manuscript fragment used as endpaper at front, faint, mostly illegible "p[ro]pheta d[e] Bononia[?] an[n]o 1521 i[n] loco Com̃odj [?] tenui hu[n]c libru[m]"; another inscription in verse on recto of 1st leaf "Papara progenies: Patria est Theatina: Ioan[n]es Nornetj[?]: Caesarum ius mihi cura prior..."; autograph on leaf A2r "Cesare Fedele". Dimensions 255 x 176 x 106 mm Covering Material Burgundy goatskin over beech boards. Sewing Sewn on three three split alum tawed thongs inset into the board and pinned with iron nails. Headbands Primary wrapped linen over a cochineal dyed tawed core with secondary herringbone sewing (much worn). Edge Treatment Faint ink inscription on the top edge. End Papers Fragment of a vellum manuscript choir book used as endpaper at front of the book. Closures Evidence of two clasps catching on the back cover. Only strap nails extant. Evidence of five crenellated round bosses on the front and back covers, none extant. Decorative Description The front cover is a blind tooled multiple panel design. The outer border is a combination of three single line fillets, then a border of flowers in a square pot stamp repeated around the cover, then a rectangular stamp of a leafy scroll tooled around the cover creating another border. Next are several other panels created with double line fillets, the innermost filled with an indistinguishable decorative stamp. The back cover is similarly designed but with different decorative stamps. There is a covered half star burst stamp and an elaborate knot rope stamp (badly worn). Binding Terms (RBMS) Goatskin bindings -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Leather bindings -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Turn-ins -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- Italy -- 15th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Back cover made translucent, INC G25. General Description Contemporary Lombardic style binding using recycled vellum manuscripts. Country / Style Italy Period 15th century Call Number INC G25 Author Tiene, Gaetano, 1387-ca Title [Expositio in libros Aristotelis De anima] Incipit Expositio clarissimi [et] celeberrimi philosophi Gaetani Thienensis sup[er] libros De a[n]i[m]a Aristotelis philosopho[rum] principis Grecorum sapientissimi. Created / Published [Vicenza] : Impe[n]sa ingenioq[ue] Henrici de Sancto Vrso summa cum diligentia impressis Vincentie, annis D[omi]ni ab Incarnatione xvij. Cal[endarum] Nouembris [16 Oct.] Hamnet URL Provenance Inscription on recto of 1st leaf "emi quinque carlenis aquoda[m] fratre dominico ordinis p[rae]dicato[rum] die 8 noue[m]bris 1488 etc." followed by another inscription "presente Petro Giorgetti Cingulano 1854"; another inscription on same p., defaced, illegible. Dimensions 294 x 209 x 30 mm Covering Material Recycled vellum manuscripts. Sewing Sewn on three double alum tawed thongs covered with tawed leather spine patches. Headbands Endband, yellow and pink linen thread with a front bead over alum tawed core laced into the pulp boards. Edge Treatment Colored purple. End Papers Paste-down with loose guard in the front. Paste-down is part of the last section in the back. Closures Evidence of two purple cloth ties on the fore-edge. Decorative Description Author and title written on the front cover. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Raised bands -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Ties -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Vellum bindings -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- Italy -- 15th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Back cover, INC G25. General Description Contemporary Lombardic style binding using recycled vellum manuscripts. Country / Style Italy Period 15th century Call Number INC G25 Author Tiene, Gaetano, 1387-ca Title [Expositio in libros Aristotelis De anima] Incipit Expositio clarissimi [et] celeberrimi philosophi Gaetani Thienensis sup[er] libros De a[n]i[m]a Aristotelis philosopho[rum] principis Grecorum sapientissimi. Created / Published [Vicenza] : Impe[n]sa ingenioq[ue] Henrici de Sancto Vrso summa cum diligentia impressis Vincentie, annis D[omi]ni ab Incarnatione xvij. Cal[endarum] Nouembris [16 Oct.] Hamnet URL Provenance Inscription on recto of 1st leaf "emi quinque carlenis aquoda[m] fratre dominico ordinis p[rae]dicato[rum] die 8 noue[m]bris 1488 etc." followed by another inscription "presente Petro Giorgetti Cingulano 1854"; another inscription on same p., defaced, illegible. Dimensions 294 x 209 x 30 mm Covering Material Recycled vellum manuscripts. Sewing Sewn on three double alum tawed thongs covered with tawed leather spine patches. Headbands Endband, yellow and pink linen thread with a front bead over alum tawed core laced into the pulp boards. Edge Treatment Colored purple. End Papers Paste-down with loose guard in the front. Paste-down is part of the last section in the back. Closures Evidence of two purple cloth ties on the fore-edge. Decorative Description Author and title written on the front cover. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Raised bands -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Ties -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Vellum bindings -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- Italy -- 15th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Manuscript paste-down, INC M219. General Description Contemporary limp vellum binding. Country / Style Italy Period 15th century Call Number INC M219 Author Marchesinus, Johannes. Title [Mammotrectus super Bibliam] Mamotrectus. Created / Published Imp[re]ssu[m] Venetijs : P[er] Symone[m] Papien[sem] alias Beuilaqua, anno D[omi]ni die 12 Iulij. Hamnet URL Provenance Purchased in Dimensions 151 x 112 x 37 mm Covering Material Calfskin vellum. Sewing Sewn on three slit alum-tawed thongs, sewn from back to front. Headbands Beige and green linen front bead over tawed thongs laced through the covers. Edge Treatment Title inscription on upper edge and name "bonus Laurentius [...?]llis" on lower edge, End Papers Recycled vellum manuscript leaves hooked around the first and last sections and used as paste-downs. Closures Two tawed thong ties. Other Details Rebacked with a piece of vellum glued across the spine and onto the covers. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Ties -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Vellum bindings -- Italy -- 15th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- Italy -- 15th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Back cover recycled manuscript guard, STC General Description Mid 16th century English binding with gilt initials E K. Country / Style England Period 16th century (mid) Call Number STC Title Imitatio Christi. English. The folovving of Christe, translated out of Latin into Englishe, newely corrected and amended vvherevnto also is added the golden epistle of saint Bernard. Created / Published [Imprinted at London : in Paules Churche-yarde at the signe of the holye Ghost, by John Cawood printer to the Queenes Maiestie], The second of December, Anno Hamnet URL Provenance Harmsworth copy. Dimensions 149 x 95 x 51 mm Covering Material Black calfskin. Sewing Sewn on four single raised alum tawed supports laced straight through the paste-boards. Headbands Linen thread with a front bead sewn over an alum tawed core. Edge Treatment Three line inked fore-edge inscription: "vij [7] sermons for the the vij [7] salmes of David with the following of Cryste & the Golden Epistle of St. Bernard". End Papers Single folio flyleaf with loose hooked recycled vellum guard, separate paste-down, front flyleaves missing. Closures Evidence of two fore-edge ties. Decorative Description The covers were tooled with a two panel design. The frames were blind-tooled with a variable width triple line fillet. At angles in the outer panel are worn indistinct gilt fleurons. In the center panel are large gilt initials E K on either side of a gilt fleuron (very worn). The spine is divided into five panels with traces of blind tooling at the head and tail panels, and with small gilt florets in the center of the panels (also very worn). Binding Terms (RBMS) Calf bindings -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Guards -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Leather bindings -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Turn-ins -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- England -- 16th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Front cover recycled manuscript guard, STC General Description Mid 16th century English binding with gilt initials E K. Country / Style England Period 16th century (mid) Call Number STC Title Imitatio Christi. English. The folovving of Christe, translated out of Latin into Englishe, newely corrected and amended vvherevnto also is added the golden epistle of saint Bernard. Created / Published [Imprinted at London : in Paules Churche-yarde at the signe of the holye Ghost, by John Cawood printer to the Queenes Maiestie], The second of December, Anno Hamnet URL Provenance Harmsworth copy. Dimensions 149 x 95 x 51 mm Covering Material Black calfskin. Sewing Sewn on four single raised alum tawed supports laced straight through the paste-boards. Headbands Linen thread with a front bead sewn over an alum tawed core. Edge Treatment Three line inked fore-edge inscription: "vij [7] sermons for the the vij [7] salmes of David with the following of Cryste & the Golden Epistle of St. Bernard". End Papers Single folio flyleaf with loose hooked recycled vellum guard, separate paste-down, front flyleaves missing. Closures Evidence of two fore-edge ties. Decorative Description The covers were tooled with a two panel design. The frames were blind-tooled with a variable width triple line fillet. At angles in the outer panel are worn indistinct gilt fleurons. In the center panel are large gilt initials E K on either side of a gilt fleuron (very worn). The spine is divided into five panels with traces of blind tooling at the head and tail panels, and with small gilt florets in the center of the panels (also very worn). Binding Terms (RBMS) Calf bindings -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Guards -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Leather bindings -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Turn-ins -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- England -- 16th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Open covers, STC General Description Late 16th century English usage of a recycled medieval vellum manuscript for the binding. Country / Style England Period 16th century (late) Call Number STC 3088 Author Bird, Samuel, d Title Lectures of Samuel Bird of Ipswidge upon the 11. chapter of the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes, and vpon the 38. Psalme. Created / Published [Cambridge] : Printed by Iohn Legate, Printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, Hamnet URL Provenance Brand - Heber - Britwell Court - Harmsworth copy. Dimensions 152 x 96 x 13 mm Covering Material Recycled 14th century (?) vellum manuscript. Sewing Oversewn through four holes. Decorative Description Simply the manuscript text. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Vellum bindings -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- England -- 16th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Inside back cover, STC copy 2. General Description Late 16th century English binding using recycled early (15th century?) vellum manuscripts. Country / Style England Period 16th century (late) Call Number STC copy 2 Author Nowell, Alexander, Title Catechismus, siue Prima institutio, disciplina'que pietatis Christianæ, Latinè explicata. Created / Published Londini : in officina Reginaldi Wolfij, Regiæ Maiest. in Latinis typographi anno Dom. M.D.LXXI. III. Calend. Iun. [1571]. Hamnet URL Provenance Inscriptions of John Byrd; Harmsworth copy. Dimensions 193 x 137 x 17 mm Covering Material Recycled vellum manuscript. Sewing Oversewn through six holes. Decorative Description The recycled manuscript covers were turned in over a different later recycled manuscript. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Turn-ins -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Vellum bindings -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- England -- 16th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Inside front cover, STC copy 2. General Description Late 16th century English binding using recycled early (15th century?) vellum manuscripts. Country / Style England Period 16th century (late) Call Number STC copy 2 Author Nowell, Alexander, Title Catechismus, siue Prima institutio, disciplina'que pietatis Christianæ, Latinè explicata. Created / Published Londini : in officina Reginaldi Wolfij, Regiæ Maiest. in Latinis typographi anno Dom. M.D.LXXI. III. Calend. Iun. [1571]. Hamnet URL Provenance Inscriptions of John Byrd; Harmsworth copy. Dimensions 193 x 137 x 17 mm Covering Material Recycled vellum manuscript. Sewing Oversewn through six holes. Decorative Description The recycled manuscript covers were turned in over a different later recycled manuscript. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Turn-ins -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Vellum bindings -- England -- 16th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- England -- 16th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Inside back cover General Description Early 17th century English binding using recycled 15th century manuscript Country / Style England Period 17th century (early) Call Number STC Author Smith, Thomas, Title The common-vvealth of England, and manner of gouernment thereof. Compiled by the honourable Sir Thomas Smith, Knight, Doctor of both lawes, & one of the principall secretaries vnto two most worthy princes, King Edward, & Queene Elizabeth: with new additions of the chiefe courts in England, & the offices thereof, by the said authour. Also a table added thereto, of all the principall matters contained in this treatise. Created / Published At London : Printed by Iames Roberts, for Gregorie Seton, and are to be sold at his shoppe vnder Aldersgate, Anno. Dom Hamnet URL Provenance Willoughby family library - Harmsworth copy Dimensions 198 x mm Covering Material Recycled 15th calfskin vellum. Sewing Oversewn through four holes. Decorative Description The covers use a recycled 15th century rubricated manuscript with no further embellishment. Other Details Housed in a 1/4 leather felt lined clamshell box. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- England -- 17th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Vellum bindings -- England -- 17th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- England -- 17th century.
Image Field Data Image Caption Inside front cover General Description Early 17th century English binding using recycled 15th century manuscript Country / Style England Period 17th century (early) Call Number STC Author Smith, Thomas, Title The common-vvealth of England, and manner of gouernment thereof. Compiled by the honourable Sir Thomas Smith, Knight, Doctor of both lawes, & one of the principall secretaries vnto two most worthy princes, King Edward, & Queene Elizabeth: with new additions of the chiefe courts in England, & the offices thereof, by the said authour. Also a table added thereto, of all the principall matters contained in this treatise. Created / Published At London : Printed by Iames Roberts, for Gregorie Seton, and are to be sold at his shoppe vnder Aldersgate, Anno. Dom Hamnet URL Provenance Willoughby family library - Harmsworth copy Dimensions 198 x mm Covering Material Recycled 15th calfskin vellum. Sewing Oversewn through four holes. Decorative Description The covers use a recycled 15th century rubricated manuscript with no further embellishment. Other Details Housed in a 1/4 leather felt lined clamshell box. Binding Terms (RBMS) Manuscript waste -- England -- 17th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Vellum bindings -- England -- 17th century. Binding Terms (RBMS) Waste -- England -- 17th century.