DIRECTIONS Turn to the next chart in your vocabulary section. Label the top line – Chapters 7-9. Use the following slides to copy down the words, definitions and synonyms. Sketch a pic before you go onto the next slide (you can copy my clipart pic)! The Outsiders”- Chapters _____
1. MOURNING (V) Feeling great sorrow or sadness because someone has died Synonyms – grief, lament
2. RESEMBLANCE (N) A way in which people or things are similar in looks or actions Synonym – uniformity
3. AGHAST (ADJ)- Suddenly feeling horror, shock or amazement Synonyms – stunned, horrified
4. RELUCTANT (ADJ) Unwilling or hesitant to do something Synonyms – unsure, resistant The cat is unwilling to come out from under the bed. (you don’t have to write this…I was just explain the pic!)
5. CONFORMITY (N) To behave in the way society believes you should or agrees is acceptable Synonyms – submission, allegiance These men have conformed to the way society thinks business men should dress (you don’t have to copy this down…I was just explaining the pic!)
NOW THAT YOU’VE FINISHED THAT… You will need a sheet of notebook paper. After putting your name, date and period in the top right corner, label the top line “The Outsiders” Vocabulary Practice-Chapters 7-9. Answer the following questions using your chart with definitions as a reference! 1.After the fire at the church, who would probably be mourning the most? Why? 2.Who does Ponyboy resemble (resemblance) the most? Who do you resemble? 3.There was a feeling of aghast when Soda and Darry saw Pony and Johnny’s hair. Why was this so shocking? 4.Why do you think Cherry is NOT reluctant to be a “spy” for the Greasers? 5.During the 1960’s, how do you think society wanted teenagers to conform ? Feel free to research this. It might be the same way society wants your generation to conform!!