Leadership With Purpose Successful Transition A parent’s perspective
It’s a Family Thing….
Clinical transition Really? YouTube video clip v=pIRcA2F0Azw v=pIRcA2F0Azw
Today’s Discussion: The time has come Keeping the Patient in PCMH The Value of Family Engagement Cultivating supportive communities
Medical Home Approach Patient/Family-centered, Team Based Care
That’s why we call it FAMILY centered care... Vs. PATIENT centered care.
Parents are asking…. Is my doctor kicking me out of their practice? I don’t know any of this stuff. Why are you asking me these questions? I am the parent. I pay the bills. Why am I asked to leave the room? Is my child’s doctor keeping me out of my child’s healthcare decisions? My child has very complex health care needs. You have known him since he was a baby. How will anyone else know him as well as you do?
The #1 Area of impact is : Communication!
From the Exam Table to the Policy Table Family Centered Care “sets the table” for Family Professional Partnerships. What happens at the Clinical Level informs what should happen at the Policy Level.
The Paradigm Shift We must shift from servicing families to partnering with families.
Value of Family Engagement “In a growing number of instances where truly stunning levels of improvement have been achieved….Leaders of these organizations often cite that putting patients and families in a position of real power and influence, using their wisdom and experience to redesign and improve care systems – as being the single most powerful transformational change in history.” Reinertsen, J.L., Bisagnano, M & Pugh, M. Seven Leadership Leverage Ponts for Organizational level Improvement in Health Care. 2 nd Edition, IHI InnovationSeries, 2008.
Value of Family Engagement “We envision patients as essential and respected partners in their own care and in the design and execution of all aspects of healthcare.” Leape, L., Berwick, D., Clancy, C., & Conway, J., et al. (2009). Transforming healthcare: A Safety Imperative, BMJ’s Quality and Safety in Health Care.
Families are a horizontal thread in a vertical system. Health HousingEducationOther Needs
Areas of impact at Practice Level Improved communication between all members of the medical home team Transitions of care more efficient Improved self management skills Stronger alliance with family in promoting child’s health and development Greater understanding family’s strengths AAP Policy Statement, Feb 2012
Business Model – ROI Discussion Improved clinical decision-making Improved follow through when care plan is developed in partnership with family Closes the gap between theory and practice More efficient use of providers Improved patient safety Decrease in legal claims, claim severity and legal expenses
Progression of Family Leadership
Mythbusting Fear-Based ThinkingInnovative Thinking Families are complainersFamilies bring informed solutions Don’t understand the business of healthcare They are business owners too – 99% of private enterprises are small businesses HIPPA regs won’t allow for thisFamily Leaders sign confidentiality statements like any other consultant FCC takes too much timeEfficiency is increased Families are not available to participate Develop contracts for equitable pay The families we work with don’t careWe haven’t tried hard enough
So What… Now What?
It’s a New Day The college graduates of the class of 2010, are the first class in the history of our country to go through their entire public education alongside their peers with disabilities!
The Next Generation of Leaders!.
Can you grasp the significance?.
Community Engagement is an excellenct Transition strategy!
The Time is Now!
Leadership With Purpose Case Studies Fact or Fiction
Holly’s Transition to Adult Care: We were well informed Systemic Issue Value of Continuous Training
CASE STUDIES Two Approaches to Healthcare Transition Video: Dr. Right and Dr. KnotrightDr. Right Dr. Knotright Reflection and comments
So, what can it look like? Thoughts to ponder Fact or fiction Too much time? Was there partnership? Observations of power and authority? Short Video – Dr. Right and Dr. Knotright
An intentional shift from a dependency model to a partnership model.
The Need to be Bi-lingual Asset Based vs. Deficit Based
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