Benefits of Biotechnology
6 billion people live on earth Each has the same basic needs Some have what they need, some do not
Solving Problems Food, health, housing and other concerns pest resistant crops tissue engineering - skin, cartilage, blood vessels use of microbial biotech to produce new vaccines
Benefits numerous much of our quality of life is based on using biotech
Quality of Life having a good environment in which to live housing, healthcare, education, jobs, social and recreational opportunities and the environment
Life conditions promotes well being of people must have food and water food contributes to good health, growth and development shelter - clothing and housing
Healthcare services, information, equipment and other conditions that promote good health physicians, nurses, hospitals, pharmacies Health - state of the human body as related to disease and vigor. Health may be impaired when disease occurs
disease -abnormal condition of the body some diseases affect only certain organs quality of life includes healthcare practices that prevent disease as well as treat and heal diseases when they occur
Life expectancy the number of years that an individual may be expected to live In the US - males 76 years, females 80 years Canada 79 Average life expectancy is higher in Sweden and Switzerland and lower in developing area of Africa, Asia and Central America
use of biotech has contributed to life expectancy seeking new products and improving products should contribute to worldwide quality of life
World food and fiber production Food - solid and liquid material humans consume for nutrients Fiber - slender threadlike material used to make clothing, paper and shelter. fiber comes from plants and animals some fiber is synthetic or man made such as nylon
Biotech in agriculture has a positive impact on world food production through increased yields and crop quality crops and livestock can be modified or enhanced using biotech food productivity must keep up with the growing world population traditional methods are too limited to meet needs
Biotechnology can help assure adequate food supplies New methods and Biotech products can help to increase yields while protecting the environment.
Plant Biotech Many species of plants are used for food and shelter Crop- plant that is grown and harvested for food and other products. Wheat, corn, rice, cotton, canola, soybeans and many vegetables
Plants can be engineered for insect, virus, bacteria, fungal and herbicide resistance insect resistant traits now available in several crop plants - most are engineered using the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Bt naturally produces an insecticide that kills certain kinds of plant pests
Bt successfully used in potatoes, corn and cotton Bt make the application of pesticides unnecessary Fear that the insect pests may develop resistance to Bt Possible consequence - killing desirable insects - Monarch Butterfly
Improve quality of food product Flavr Savr Tomato - developed by Calgene Modified so that they can be harvested at a time when they have better taste Have been engineered to have a longer shelf life and delayed over ripening.
Nutraceutical Crops that contain vaccines for diseases that affect humans Nutraceutical is a food that has health benefits other than nutrition. May contain disease fighting drugs. Instead of shots people would simply eat the vaccine containing crop or food.
Animal Biotech Using biotech to improve animals or their products BST - Bovine Somatotropin - hormone produced in the pituitary gland of the cow. Regulates milk production Has been synthetically produced and can be injected into dairy cows to increase milk production by as much as 40% over the lactation
The future of biotech and food production higher yields disease and pest resistance drought resistance People fear the use of biotechnology in food production - Perhaps the answer is to better educate the consuming public?
Medical Biotech Vaccines - introduced into the body to fight disease. Stimulates the immune system to develop antibodies for a specific antigen Most vaccines contain dead or a less active - modified live copy of the virus or bacteria responsible for the disease. Most domestic animals - pets and agricultural animals are vaccinated for a host of diseases.
Most poultry are vaccinated during incubation. Incubation for chickens is 21 days. A vaccine is delivered at day 18 of incubation through the egg shell Most vaccines are delivered in the form of shots. The Polio vaccine is an oral vaccine that is swallowed. There are also nasal mists for various types of Flu
Pharmaceuticals a drug - a chemical used in the prevention, treatment, cure or diagnosis of a disease. originally isolated from plants of fungi such as penicillin. biotech can help to provide new drugs that work better than traditional Insulin used for treating diabetes was originally isolated from pigs. It can now be synthesized from bacteria
Many vitamins are now produced using biotech methods. This contributes to them being cheaper and safer in comparison to using other methods.
Designer drugs - developed as a three dimensional model on a computer Then tried in a lab lab testing follows may not be covered by many insurance plans
Gene Therapy changing the genetic makeup of the patient involves removing blood cells from the human, genetically altering them, and placing them back in the body carriers or vectors can be used to treat people with genetic diseases
Cystic Fibrosis, Hemophilia and some types of cancer the carrier or vector is used to introduce the new gene or genetic material into the body Not widely available in human medicine but could become a very efficient way to treat some diseases.
Tissue Engineering Organ transplant fewer organs available than those needed large amounts of anti-rejection medicines are given to transplant patients Inject healthy cells into the damaged organ to restore activity
animal to human transplant possibility of growing tissues and organs in the lab Tissue engineering - process where new healthy tissues can be grown Useful for burn victims where a skin graft would have been used previously
artificial organs or tissues knee replacement joint research being done on growing new tendons, blood vessels and bone
Materials and Environment reducing pollution of the environment polymers - product of a chemical union of two molecules to the same compound to produce another compound polyester polymer is used to make plastics and textile fibers electrical tape, diapers, decals and overhead transparencies
silk - spun by spiders is stronger than steel but difficult to isolate. studies are being done to use bacteria to produce spider silk we are using biotech to produce stronger and more durable plastics
the environment biotech can be used to help alleviate or reduce pollution problems in nature, microbes and other processes break down materials bacteria have been modified to become useful in cleaning up materials
first patented form of life from genetic engineering was an oil eating microbe in 1980 The EPA regulated the use of the organism that restricted the use of such organisms outside of a controlled lab setting many feel that this set back the development of transgenic organisms
actions were based on fear of releasing engineered life forms into the environment. Strains of non-transgenic bacteria are now used to break down oil arsenic eating microbe used in gold mine reclamation