Incoming 7 th Graders
Mrs. Jones
Mrs. Westcott
Mrs. Montalbano
Mrs. McInnis
COURSEWORK What Will Be Different?! Homework every night Six class changes Six teachers Electives! Honors classes
English Reading Math Science Social Studies PE ELECTIVE CORE CLASSES REQUIRED ELECTIVE ELECTIVE OF CHOICE Student’s receive schedules on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!
English and Reading Block ◦ one teacher, two class periods Math, Science & Social Studies Honors Honors – ONLY offered in ELA block ◦ Determined by standardized test scores, teacher recommendation and other educational data Acceleration to Algebra ◦ District rubric determines placement ◦ Accelerated curriculum includes ALL of 7 th grade math standards and ALL of 8 th grade math standards.
Physical Education become a REQUIRED ELECTIVE Exploratory Elective: Encourage your child to do what she loves! No Carnegie Credit in 7 th grade At LMJ, NO 7 th grade requirements to take Carnegie classes in 8 th grade. We do not make elective changes once schedules have been made.
Basic skills in woodworking Design, plan and build small wood projects Workings of a 2 and 4-cycle engine Parliamentary procedure Boater’s safety Forestry Ethical treatment of production animals
GTT Engineering Design & modeling Automation & robotics Project-oriented STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Vocational Agriscience (Ag. Sci.) Forestry & wildlife management Agriculture & animal science Small engine mechanics. ONE SEMESTER WILL BE GTT AND THE OTHER WILL BE AG SCIENCE. Students MUST complete an application to be considered for this course.
Learn the fundamentals of art Learn face and body proportions Proportional enlargement Linear perspective Drawing and shading techniques Color theory Work in a variety of media – pencil, pen, colored pencil, oil pastel, watercolor, acrylic, and clay
Time and key signatures Perform for honor band auditions, concerts and contests Christmas and Spring concerts School pep rallies, special events and festivals Requirements: Students should provide their own instruments. Some after-school practice required.
Basic vocal techniques Correct Breathing, Vowels, Diction, Tone, Placement, Sight Reading Skills, And Reading Music All types of music How to sing in parts Christmas and Spring Concerts Special Events and Festivals
Basic sewing skills Sew a simple garment Cross-stitch project Baby-sitting skills Infant & toddler care Parenting skills Baby think it over activity Food sanitation & safety, kitchen equipment, nutrition information, table setting, etiquette, and planning and preparing nutritious foods and meals. Floor plan and room design project.
No previous experience needed. The class is taught at students’ individual levels. Ear buds with an adapter and four piano books are needed. Students will learn to play and write scales. They will give a recital at Monteleone Magic
Basic level of Spanish language and Hispanic culture. Communicate (to ask and to answer) in Spanish. Basic level of speaking, reading and writing. A previous Spanish course is not required.
Open to all students Care for, tune, and proficiently play Violin, viola, cello, or double bass Learn to read, compose & analyze Wide variety of music is explored, Theory, music history, ear training Individual student level assessed by the teacher Daily practice required Recital at Monteleone Magic Requirement: All students should provide their own instrument.
Dress in uniform (See handout) Pen and paper (See handout) Encourage students to ride the bus (See handout) ALL of faculty available to assist students No lockers for about a week or two About a week for gym uniforms HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Grading Changes ◦ Numeric Grades ◦ It’s harder to pull up D’s and F’s. ◦ Important to complete EVERY assignment. Teacher Websites ◦ Check Grades Regularly ◦ HELP! There’s a problem! ◦ Teacher Conferences are the FIRST step ◦ Contact the front office to set up a conference ◦ All teachers are included Grading Scale 93 – 100 A 85 – 92 B 75 – 84 C 67 – 74 D 66 – 0 F
4M Club Art BETA Christian Fellowship FFA Marlin Mentor Robotics Student Council Writer’s Club Before School After School At Lunch Sign up on Club Day at LUNCH!
Physicals are required and, good for a full calendar year! (See Handout) Football Baseball & Softball Basketball Soccer Volleyball Track Cheerleaders Dance Team
Monitor your student’s social media use closely! Discuss appropriate information to share on-line. Take the phone away at bed time!
Bullying is not tolerated at LMJ. Report, Report, Report! Rude, Mean or Bullying?! Know Bullying App
elective selection Friday, April 15 Complete elective selection form and return to your middle school by Friday, April 15! Students will visit LMJ on May 17 th. Continue to encourage your child do his best! ENJOY YOUR SUMMER!