Writing Assignments in Mechanical Engineering Anne Parker University of Manitoba A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
The Engineering Context Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (C.E.A.B.) – demands that our graduates demonstrate: “an ability to communicate complex engineering concepts within the profession and with society at large” “an ability to comprehend & write effective reports & design documentation, & to give & effectively respond to clear instructions” Accreditation Criteria and Procedures, 2008 A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Outcomes & Attributes specify learning outcomes on the course outlines specify the methods of feedback – formative [comments] or summative [# grades] match to the 12 attributes – including attribute 7 – “communication skills” what we documented for the preliminary study how many courses (at whatever level & in whatever program) identified it – 33 courses in Computer, Electrical & Mechanical Engineering; 34 in Civil Engineering follow Bloom’s Taxonomy – to indicate the “expected competency” level for an attribute or outcome – e.g., level 6 [able to judge the worth of something] A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
For example, A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
MECH 4860 Outcomes 1.Apply and evaluate engineering knowledge, investigation and design skills to solve open-ended “real” design projects. 2.Learn and apply the steps and associated tools in the engineering design process. 3.Analyze designs from technical, practical, cost, social, and environmental perspectives. 4.Build on teamwork skills using tools in project and team management and prepare for teamwork in industry. 5.Maintain appropriate design records such as logbooks and meeting minutes. 6.Enhance technical communication skills with clients, users, and others both orally and in writing. 7.Instill a sense of professionalism. A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Course Outlines: Rough Data Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Manitoba A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
What we’ve found so far…. Component Type# Lab report 14 Proposal 10 Report 9 Other report 5 Poster 1 Project 1 Presentation 1 Explanation of machine design? 1 Unclear 11 A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Type by Year Level Year 2Year 3Year 4TOTAL Explanation of machine design 11 Lab report Other report 4 4 Poster11 Project11 Presentation11 Proposal3 710 Report 99 Unclear5611 A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Nested Assignments Year LevelNoYesTOTAL Year 2404 Year Year TOTAL A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Nested Assignments A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Assignment Length A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Description of Writing Assignment A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Summary Data Other Columns Length:Rarely specified Topics:Always specified Time to complete:Not clear from syllabus Audience:1 in 55 assignments for non- instructor audience Feedback:Rarely made available ahead of grading (3/55-5.5%) Scoring guide/rubricRarely made available (1/55) A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Observations: writing required Students don’t appear to do much writing in their 2 nd year – and then mostly lab reports Technical Communication is a 2 nd year course – & all students must take it – so, there are writing requirements here Students do, however, write more in their 3 rd & especially in their 4 th years (especially proposals & reports) A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Observations: Assignments The course outlines – not very explicit when it comes to assignments Focus – outcomes & attributes & competency levels – but little on the nature of the assignments & what is actually required –however, this information would be available online Example: MECH 4860 A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Evaluation ComponentValue (%)Methods of Feedback Learning outcomes evaluated Design work100%F, S1-7 A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
However….. “technical communication specialists” – part of the course Provide guidelines & individual supports on oral presentations, written reports & “other technical communication aspects” – “tip” sheets & “coaching/mentoring” Mark the submissions – rubrics designed for each assignment – series of 3 written reports, one final oral presentation, poster session, ……. A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Going Forward? A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Discuss the possibility of moving the Technical Communication course to 3 rd year? – to fill the apparent gap between 2 nd year & 4 th year [ when most of the writing seems to occur ]? Encourage the inclusion of more detailed “assignment charts” in the course outlines? – list specific “assignments” [ such as lab reports, problem sets ]? A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,
Thanks! A. Parker, CASDW, UVic,