Student Growth Measures in Teacher Evaluation Module 4: Scoring an Individual SLO 1
Be present. Actively participate in activities. Respect time boundaries. Recognize the need for quiet while working. Use electronics respectfully and appropriately when prompted. Return to large group attention when signaled. 2 Training Norms
Module 1: Introduction to SLOs Module 2: Selecting Appropriate Assessments Module 3: Using Data to Inform Growth Targets and Submitting Your SLO Module 4: Scoring an Individual SLO 3 Agenda
After approval, monitor student progress toward the growth targets –Interim or formative assessments ODE recommends a midcourse check-in –Suggested timeline: February for full-year course; otherwise, approximately midpoint in the interval of instruction Bring evidence of student progress to discuss –Interim/formative assessment data, student work products, and other evidence that demonstrate growth is occurring –Identify students off-target and come prepared to discuss strategies to make up ground 4 From SLO Approval to Midcourse Review
The SLO Development Process 5 STEP 1: Gather and review available data STEP 2: Determine the interval of instruction and identify content STEP 3: Choose assessments and set the growth target STEP 4: Submit your SLO and prepare for approval and review STEP 5: Final Scoring of the SLO
Adjusted Timeline for SLO Implementation: 2012 ‒ 2013 Timeline for SLO Implementation: 2013 ‒ 2014 and Beyond Within 2 weeks of district training— Write and submit SLOs for approval October—Write and submit SLOs for approval Within 3 weeks of district training— Receive feedback on the SLO and, if necessary, revise November—Receive feedback on the SLO and, if necessary, revise January ‒ End of April—Gather evidence of student progress By May 1—Complete final submission form and meet with the evaluator to discuss attainment of the SLO 6 Timeline for SLO Scoring
An SLO final score represents the percentage of students that met their growth targets. The percentage of students that met the growth target then falls within a range that corresponds to one of five descriptive and numerical ratings. 7 What Comprises an SLO Score? SLO Scoring Matrix Percentage of Students That Met or Exceeded Growth Target Descriptive RatingNumerical Rating 90 ‒ 100 Most Effective5 80 ‒ 89 Above Average4 70 ‒ 79 Average3 60 ‒ 69 Approaching Average 2 59 or lessLeast Effective1
A teacher has 100 students included in an SLO. 90 students, or 90 percent of students, met their growth targets. This percentage corresponds to a rating of “Most Effective.” 8 SLO Scoring Example SLO Scoring Matrix Percentage of Students That Met or Exceeded Growth Target Descriptive Rating Numerical Rating 90 ‒ 100 Most Effective5 80 ‒ 89 Above Average4 70 ‒ 79 Average3 60 ‒ 69 Approaching Average 2 59 or lessLeast Effective1
A streamlined process improves efficiency and fairness. It is the responsibility of the teacher to organize and present evidence to the evaluator or local committee. 9 SLO Scoring
Steps in organizing and presenting the evidence: 1.Include a copy of the original, approved SLO Template and Checklist. 2.Complete the Individual SLO Scoring Template. 3.Include example copies of the final assessments. Include any relevant rubrics or an explanation of how the assessment was scored (e.g., for a portfolio of work or performance assessment). 10 Preparing for SLO Scoring
(Handout 4.1) This template is used to present the data to demonstrate whether or not targets have been met for individual students and includes the aggregate percentage of students meeting the target. You can access the template on the ODE website: DE/ODEDetail.aspx?page=3&TopicRelationID=123 0&ContentID= Individual SLO Scoring Template
12 Sample Scoring Example Teacher Name: Ms. Montenegro School: Sunny Elementary SLO Title: 2 nd grade writingAssessment Name (if available): District-created writing portfolio Student NameStudent Number Baseline Score Growth Target Final ScoreExceeds/Meets Target? (yes/no) Anna Warren123456A203032Yes Bob Quindlen652241B313735No Chris Rodriguez133248V1929 Yes Dylan Xavier432590C243231No Emma Smith463856V303641Yes
Determine overall attainment of SLOs Discuss factors that may have impacted SLO attainment Plan to use the results of the SLOs to inform professional development and goals for next year 13 Meeting with the Evaluator
Ms. Apple is meeting with her principal to discuss attainment of her SLOs. Review the information Ms. Apple is bringing into her meeting. This information contains just the most essential information. Think about what you might discuss with the teacher if you were the evaluator. 14 Freeze Frame Activity
The local education agency (LEA) will submit the district plan in the Electronic Teacher and Principal Evaluation System (eTPES). –The plan will provide default percentages attributed to types of student growth measures based on three categories of teachers. Designated administrators from LEAs will enter teacher scores into eTPES. Provides a consistent process Minimizes burden on LEA 15 Student Growth Measure Scoring
Teacher Category Value- Added 10%‒50% Vendor Assessment 10%‒50% LEA Measure 0%-50% Total SLO/Other Shared Attribution A (Value- Added) 40%10%0%50% B (Vendor Assessment) 30%10% 50% C (LEA Measure) 40%10%50% 16 District Plan Example
Percentages attributed to student growth measures may vary across teachers if the district believes there is reason. –Consistency across similar circumstances –Comparability across grades and subjects –Individual teachers do not choose percentage attributed to measures. 17 Variation in Student Growth Measure Percentages Across Teachers
A worksheet similar to this one will be completed for each teacher. See Handout Entering Student Growth Measure Scores Per Teacher
Once the individual SLO scores are input into eTPES, the system will generate a final score that incorporates scores from all student growth measures. Teacher index score converted to an effectiveness rating –Above –Expected –Below 19 Final Student Growth Measure Score
What stumbling blocks or concerns do you anticipate that LEAs and teachers will have around SLO scoring and combined student growth measure scoring? How can this training better address these stumbling blocks or concerns? 20 Reflection
This concludes Module 4: Scoring an Individual SLO. Please complete the feedback form. 21 End of Module 4