Patterned products Mrs Ras
File> New
Find an image of a product that you want to place your pattern on Right Click> copy image
In photoshop Edit>paste Resize your product Edit> Free Transform
Delete the background choose the quick selection tool and select the background around your product and delete
Clean up the edges choose the eraser tool and go around and smooth the edges of your product
Use the poly lasso tool and select the area to which you want your pattern on
Open you tessellation pattern and using the rectangle selection tool select the whole page and edit> copy
back on the product page while the marching ants are still marching Edit >paste special > Paste into
adjust the size of the pattern Edit>free Transform
adjust the perspective/ angle of the pattern edit>transform > distort move each anchor to until u get the desired look
choose the burn tool and go around the edges and wherever the product bends applying the burn tool (it works like a paint brush)
lastly apply a filter to make it look more like fabric Filter>gallery Try the film grain or canvas
Repeat the last few steps and add the pattern to where ever else it should be
Adding a background first edit>paste your pattern in
you can change the opacity in the layer box of the pattern layer so it is not so overwhelming
add a gradient to the background
change you swatch to white
click and drag where you want your white gradient to fade to