Plate Tectonics Earth, Continental Drift, Faults, Mountains, Earthquakes Chapter 8
Section 1: Inside the Earth Vocabulary: Crust Mantle Core Lithosphere Asthenosphere Mesosphere Techttonic Plates
Of what is the Earth made? What elements and compounds make up the three layers of Earth?
Crust The crust is the outer layer of the earth. We live on the continental crust. The land below the ocean is called the oceanic crust. Chemical elements in the crust. The most common chemical elements in the crust are oxygen (46.6%), silicon (27.7), aluminum(8.1), iron (5.0), calcium (3.6), potassium(2.8), sodium (2.6), and magnesium There are two types of crusts: Continental and oceanic
Continental Crust The continental crust is land. Our school, home, parks, mountains, and beaches are part of the continental crust. The continental crust forms the continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. The average thickness of the continental crust is from 20 km ( 20 mi) to 50 km (30 mi), and it can bbe up to 100 km (60 mi) thick.
Oceanic Crust The oceanic crust is under the ocean. It is 5 km (almost 3 miles) to 7 km (close to 4 miles) thick. The oceanic crust is the land under the ocean.
Mantle The mantle is the second layer based on composition. It contains the most mass.The average thickness is 2,866km (1,793 mi). To find the chemical composition of the mantle, scientist look at clues from the Earth surface. Sometimes the mantle pushes up to the earth surface (magma and lava). Also, Mantle rock flow from volcanoes on the ocean floor.
Core The core is the very center of the Earth. Scientists think the core is made of iron and nickel.
Physical Properties Physical properties can be observed without changing the chemical properties of matter. Examples of physical properties are: melting point, boiling point, color, texture, viscosity, density, and opacity.
Physical Layers of Earth Crust - Lithosphere Mantle – lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere Core – inner core, outer core
Lithosphere Think of an egg. When you have a hard boiled egg, the outer shell is like the lithosphere. The lithosphere has the crust and a thin layer of the mantle. The lithosphere is between 15 to 300 km thick (9.3 to miles).
Asthenosphere The asthenosphere is the soft layer of mantle on which the lithosphere floats. It is 250 km thick (155.3 miles). Have you seen floating candles on a bowl of water? The candles are the lithosphere, and the top layer os water is the asthenosphere. royalty-free-image/
Mesosphere The third layer is the mesosphere. This is still part of the mantle. It is approximately 2500 km thick (1, miles thick; from here to Gallup, NM).
Map of United States: The thickness of the mesosphere is like the distance from Atlanta, GA to Gallop, NM. How many hours will it take to drive 1,553 miles?
Outer Core The core has two layers, the outer core and the inner core. The outer core is the liquid layer that lies under the mantle and around the solid inner core. The inner core is 2,200 km thick (1,367 miles or the distance between Atlanta, GA to Albuquerque, NM).
Map of United States: The thickness of the inner core is like the distance between Atlanta, GA to Albuquerque, NM How many hours do you think it takes to drive 1,367 miles?
Inner Core The inner core is the very center of the Earth. It is 1,230 km thick ( miles, just a little more than the distance from Atlanta, GA to Dallas, TX or New York City). The inner core is a solid mass. It has a temperature between 5,000 to 6,000 degrees Celcius (9,032 to 10,832 drgrees Fahrenheit). Ione would think that the inner core should be a liquid because of the temperature, but the intense pressure (very high pressure) makes it a solid. You will learn this in the 8 th grade (pressure and states of matter).
Map of United States: The inner core has the thickness as the distance between Atlanta, GA to Dallas, TX or New York City. How many hours do you think it will take to drive 764 miles?
Tectonic Plates Tectonic plates are like a puzzle.
Tectonic Plates Look again at the image of the candles on top of the water. The lithosphere is floating on top of the asthenosphere just like the candles on top of water.
Homework For homework. I want you to take the paper puzzle pieces and put them together.
Fossils and Tectonic Plates Fossils and tectonic plate nasa (key into youttube search)
Fossils and Tectonic Plates Fossil distribution showed that many of the same species of animals were on many continents far away from each other. This suggested that the land masses were once connected. Tectonics/Chap1-Pioneers-of-Plate- Tectonics/Alfred-Wegener/Fossil- Evidence-from-the-Southern-Hemisphere
Tectonic Plates
Relationships What is the relationships between the following: 1. Crust and Mantle 2. Crust and Lithosphere 3. Lithosphere and Asthenosphere 4. Mantle and Core 5. Inner Core and Outer Core
Similar and Different How are the following similar and different? 1. crust and lithosphere 2. lithosphere and asthenosphere 3. Mesosphere and outer core 4. Outer core and inner core
Chapter 7 and Section 2 Restless Continents
Wegener’s Continental Drift Hypothesis Look at how the continents have separated by this hypothesis.
Sea-Floor Spreading There is an opening in the ocean floor where magma comes up to make new crust.
Mid-Ocean Ridges Mid-ocean ridges are where sea-floor spreading takes place.
Magnetic Reversals When magma comes out of mid-ocean ridges, it becomes lava and acquires the magnetic polarity of the Earth as it cools.
End of Section 1 and 2 I hope you enjoyed this presentation.