Friday December 12 th Lesson 14, Day 5
Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication. Question of the Day: How could you make the ground thunder? How could you make the world ring? I could _____ to make the ground thunder. I could _____ to make the world ring.
Objective: To listen for a purpose. Read Aloud Read Aloud “At the Top of My Voice”
Objective - To read high frequency words. Word Wall: fly watch house Mrs. know loud put say
Objective: To blend phonemes into words. Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Deletion
Inflections –s, -ed, -ing Objective: To recognize root words. jump jumps jumped jumping
Root word plant look pick water Add –s plants looks picks waters Add –ed planted looked picked watered Add –ing planting looking picking watering
It’s time for our spelling test! Write your name and date on the top of your paper. Number your paper 1 to 10. Objective: To spell spelling words and high frequency words.
High Frequency Words Objective: To read high-frequency words. again came does feel house Mrs. loud know put say use
“The Hare and the Tortoise” “Mark’s Big Day”We’re Going on a Lion Hunt Author’s Purpose Point of View
Small Groups Let’s Read “Ann’s Trip to the Stars” When called go to your first rotation! Group 2 Group 1 Group 3 Objective: To use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable text. To develop fluency.