Methodology ‘Talent (h)erkend’ November 2013 Kenniscentrum Talentontwikkeling
Research design
Dialogic teaching and talent identification Research Hogeschool Rotterdam Dialogic teaching in practice An example Discussion Dialogic Teaching
Dialogic teaching is one (1) joint venture, (2) focused on (3) building knowledge to which students (4) react back and forth to each other and also (5) react simultaneously in support of each other. Dialogic Teaching
Asking open questions Passing on questions Building on the answers given Summarizing Drawing conclusions But also: Providing time to think Checking whether everyone understood each other The reformulation of an answer The thought process Dialogic Teaching
Most important: The attention of the teacher and his genuine interest in what the students have to say Insight in the talents of the students Dialogic Teaching
Three participating schools / three researchers One project manager / two research assistants Preparation research: April 2011 within Rotterdam University Literature research Experiencing dialogic teaching ourselves as part of the whole concept Development of research instrument the observation/focus guide Voorbereiding onderzoek
September 2011 at teh schools: Interviews with management in relation to their query selection and intake of teachers. Three teachers primary education Three teachers pre-vocational school 1 Four teachers pre-vocational school 2 ► Setting of research: ► Subject lessons at primary education and pre-vocational education in grade 1 ► Subject lessons, social science lessons and so-called Droomuren (Dream periods) at pre-vocational education grade 2 Voorbereiding onderzoek
Observation instrument focused on: ▸ Dialogic performance of teachers and talent recognition of pupils ▸ Multiple layers in the performance of teachers : ▸ Ideals on which the teacher bases his performance (focus 1) ▸ Creating of a safe and organised learning environment (focus 2) ▸ Three levels of dialogic teaching (focus 3) ▸ Talent recognition by the teacher based on his relationship with pupils (focus 4) Instrument adapted and evaluated during the project by the project team Instrument provided focus on the concept of dialogic teaching during observations Kijkwijzer
► Training teachers in the techniques of DT ► Lesson observation/observation instrument/ report ► review and reflection ► Focal points next lesson ► Cycle performed 4x with every teacher, sometimes more often ► Substantial differences due to cultural differences within the schools and because of teachers’ personalities ► Logs and reports of all observations in MyPBworks ► Accessible for project group ► Project group had meetings 1x per 2 weeks, later 1x per 3 weeks ► Project group and schools met one another 4x as programme council on overall progress ► Miniconference with Robin Alexander 28/3/2012 ► Final presentation 9/4/2013 Implementation of Research
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