HOMEROOM01/12/15 Write these important dates in your agenda: Monday 01/12 – PTSA Casual Day Box Tops Collected Wednesday 01/14 – Workplace Wednesday Friday 01/16 – Last day to pay for field trip Last day to pay for the 6 th grade field trip – January 16.
E.L.T. 01/12/15 Warm Up: Complete the front and back of “Putting Letters in Order.” Work Session: Watch the video for “Shattered Lives.” Read along with the audio for “Shattered Lives” and answer “Summarizing”. Closing: Complete the “Critical-Thinking Questions” by using complete sentences. Submit today.
LANGUAGE ARTS – WARM UP 01/12/15 Green Teams. Sit in your Green Teams. Warm Up – Journal Respond to and explain the meaning of this quote from Chapter 3: “Well,’ Annemarie said slowly, ‘now I think all of Denmark must be bodyguard for the Jews, as well.”
01/12/15 Essential Question: How can I apply reading and vocabulary skills to aid in comprehension? Standards: RL.6.6 – Acquire and accurately use grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
LANGUAGE ARTS – WORK SESSION 01/12/15 Vocabulary Foldable (exasperated, imperious, tentatively, gnarled, ruefully) For each vocabulary term, you must do the following: List the definition. Provide a synonym (a word that has the same or similar meaning). Use each word in a sentence. Draw a picture to represent the word.
LANGUAGE ARTS – WORK SESSION 01/12/15 “Number the Stars” Read Chapter 4 (p. 27)
LANGUAGE ARTS – CLOSING SESSION 01/12/15 Ticket Out the Door Use one of this week’s vocabulary words and use it in a sentence. There is a space to write your answer on the back of your warm up.
01/12/15 Closing Session Homework: Homework packet – Due Thursday Add to your Reading Record (extra credit) Each entry needs parental initials!