PLURILINGUALISM Science Group Marisa Moscardó Gloria Mengual Amparo Pardo Jorge Paniagua María Soler Jesús Antuña Cesar Perez Iván Matalí Vanesa Ramos José Carbonell José Ignacio Fernández
Multilingualism ≠ Plurilingualism
Multilingualism It’s the presence of several languages in a territory, for example Europe. The society is multilingual independently of that people use or not these languages. It indicates the diversity of languages that exists.
Plurilingualism It’s the ability of people to use more than one language to assure a better communication between European citizens. The plurilingualism is the way of overcoming the obstacle of the multilingualism and acceding to European culture.
ELP (European Language Portfolio) It is a Council of Europe project. Promotes plurilingualism. It is a mean of reporting foreign language proficiency.
ELP (European Language Portfolio) Developes learner autonomy. Promotes lifelong learning. It is related to the CEFR to recognise the language qualifications in different countries.
The Common Reference Levels Council of Europe Aims: Organisation of language learning Public recognition of achievement (Europe) 6 Levels: CRL A Basic user A1 Breakthroug A2 Waystage B Independent user B1 Threshold B2 Vantage C Proficient user C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C2 Mastery
Communicative language competences According to scaled descriptors (in order to give an overview) Linguistic or grammatical competence Sociolinguistic or sociocultural competence Description competence Language specifications.
Communicative language activities and strategies Language learning is best developed in the context of real situations. This means users have to involve in communicative language activities and communication strategies. Communicative language activities are conversation, listening, speech or written text. Communication strategies are the adoption of a particular line of action, according to a specific purpose, in order to maximize the communication. They apply the metacognitive principles: Pre-planning, Execution, Monitoring, and Repair Action of the communicative process.
Productive activities and strategies Includes speaking activites, for example: Speaking from notes or visual aids. Singing. Speaking spontaneously.
Productive activities and strategies It also includes writing activites, for example: Writing articles for magazine. Taking down massages from dictation. Writing personal or business letters.
Spanish Constitution (1978) Statute or Autonomy of the Valencian Community (L.O. 1/2006) Law of Use and Teaching of Valencian (L.O. 4/1983) LOE (L.O.2/2006) LOMCE (L.O. 8/2013) Legal framework (part 1)
Specific regulation for Infant adn Primary Education Specific regulation for Secundary Education Plurilingualism legislation. The most important is the Decree 127/ Legal framework (part 2)
Plurilingualism Decree's Objetives To improve the linguistic competence of the citizens of the Valencian Community, in foreign languages as well as in Valencian and Spanish. To give a coofficial treatment to languages that guarantees the acquisition of linguistic competences both in Valencian and in Spanish. To respond to the growing social demand to advance progressively towards plurilingualism and linguistic diversity which defines the most advanced societies. To acknowledge the efforts made by the Valencian Community teaching centers towards plurilingualism. To encourage and stimulate the already existing plurilingual programs. To facilitate the indispensable teacher training in curricular languages and in the specific methodology required for the application of plurilingual programs.
Aquí las de Iván
Programs in the Valencian educational system Spanish speaking predominant areaValencian speaking predominant area Valencian as a subject. Optionally, a bilingual educational one can be developed. Teaching through Valencian Program (PEV) Linguistic Immersion Program (PIL) Progressive incorporation program (PIP) These enriched programs have now converted into two plurilingual programs: PPEV (Valencian teaching Plurilingual Program) or PPEC (Spanish teaching Plurilingual Program) depending the language base of the program
Programs in the Valencian educational system SPANISH SPEAKING PREDOMINANT AREA VALENCIAN SPEAKING PREDOMINANT AREA Valencian as a subject out of bilingual educational programs Optionally a bilingual educational program can be developed PEV – Teaching through Valencian Program PIL – Linguistic Inmersion Program PIP – Progressive incorporation Program All these programs have converted in PPEV Valencian Teaching Plurilingual Program ( Language base is Valencian ) PPEC Spanish Teaching Plurilingual Program ( Language base is Valencian )
Conclusions Multilinguism ≠ Plurilinguism These programs can be developed in different speaking areas. Each educational center can change the plurilingual programs. All schools implementing a bilingual or plurilingual education program should write one or more specific design of documents. Each program follow specific process in order to have the authorization.
To conclude “Let’s learn more languages to speak a common tongue” ( lema en materia de educación de la Presidencia del Consejo de Europa)