Unproductive student Behaviors in common areas Amanda Cantafio
Eliminating behavior problems at school Develop a Healthy Relationship If you don’t have a healthy relationship with your students, they are much less likely to be motivated to behave. Make the Rules Clear Kids can’t follow the rules if they aren’t sure what your expectations of them are. Reviewing rules and the expected behavior will help remind students how they should behave. Explain the Consequences Ahead of Time Once you’ve explained the rules, tell your students what will happen if they break the rules. Make the consequences clear to students ahead of time. Provide Structure and a Schedule Create a schedule for students that outlines when they should be focusing on school work and when they have free time. When kids get used to the structure, they’re much more likely to respond positively.
Eliminating behavior problems at school Praise Good Behavior Praise your child’s efforts and offer praise whenever you see behaviors that you want to see repeated. Work as a Team with Other Caregivers Work together with parents and family members to discuss discipline strategies and behaviors that need to be addressed. Teach impulse control When kids can control their impulses, they are less likely to react aggressively or defiantly. Create a Reward System Reward systems are a great way to prevent behavior problems before they start. Identify a behavior you want to address and work with your child on establishing a reward system. Plan Ahead Be proactive in preventing behavior problems by planning ahead. Identify potential problems before they start and then work from there.
What is expected of student’s behavior in common areas Be respectful to other students and teachers. Keep hands and feet to yourself, do not rough house with other students. Use area appropriate volume when talking and playing if it is permitted in that area. Listen to teachers and follow their directions. Be considerate of other students. If other students are in class learning while other students are moving to common areas they need to be quite and they should not distract students in other classrooms. Be responsible for your behavior and actions. Help fellow students if they need help and a teacher isn’t available. Follow all rules and procedures
Consequences to misbehavior Timeout/Detention/In school suspension: The student is removed from the classroom because of a behavioral infraction. In timeout, the student's exclusion from the classroom may be very short (3-5 minutes). Office referral: The instructor writes up a referral documenting the student's misbehavior and sends both the referral and student to the principal's office for intervention. Parent contact: The teacher calls, sends a note home to, or e-mails the student's parent(s) regarding the behavioral problems. The parent may be asked for advice on how the teacher can better reach and teach the child at school. Private approach to student: The instructor quietly approaches the student, points out the problem behavior and how it is interfering with classwork or interrupting instruction. The instructor reminds the student of the academic task in which he or she should be engaged. Redirection: The teacher interrupts problem behavior by calling on the student to answer a question, assigning him or her a task to carry out, or otherwise refocusing the child's attention.
situations instructional assistants should pay close attention when Taking students outside for recess. Taking students through the halls. Taking students out to the bus line. Monitoring arrival and dismissal of the students. Supervising students while taking them to the lunch room and while they are eating their lunches. During practice fire drills Anytime when students are out of their classroom and moving to different classrooms or any common areas.
Behavior management tips Have students formulate two or three rules for the classroom. If the students help it's easier for them to own the rules. Be sure that you're consistent in keeping the rules so the children know that they are important. Practice what you preach! Make sure you as the teacher are following the classroom rules just as you expect the students to do. Never get into a power struggle with your students. Always listen to both sides with a nonjudgmental and non-confrontational attitude, this will help situations not to escalade into a bigger problem. Have a good balance of discipline and humor with the children. Having a good relationship with students will help control behavior problems because the students will have more respect for the teachers and the classroom rules. Make the classroom and learning fun! If what you are doing in your classroom is exciting and motivational, classroom discipline problems disappear. Students do not want to get in trouble because they do not want to miss out on what is going on in your room.
Behavior management tips Give students choices throughout the day. Whether it's a long-range project on a country they select, or coloring a map with crayon, marker, or colored pencil! Choices no matter how small will give the student a feeling of control. Watch the body language for both yourself and the students. With the student, it can give you clues as to what the real problem is; for the teacher, you need to convey that not only are you listening but you are hearing what the student is saying. Try the following strategy for positive reinforcement. Display on a classroom bulletin board a poster board ladder with six rungs. Provide each student with a clothespin with his or her name on it. Every day, have students clip their clothespins to the top and then if their behavior is unacceptable they will move their clothespin down to the appropriate spot.
Sources cited: 10 Ways to Prevent Behavior Problems Before They Start." About. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2014. Teacher Vision https://www.teachervision.com/classroom- management/gallery/52282.html (couldn’t cite it for some reason) Behavior Management Tips: Positive Reinforcement, Clusters, and More."Education World:. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2014.