AO5 Objectives
A05: Understand legal and moral issues in the digital age To help the teenage readers of ‘The BETA’ magazine better understand both legal and moral issues related to living in the digital age, you have been asked to produce a simple guide for them to use. Using at least one example, investigate current, relevant computer legislation and present this in an easy-to-understand way. It has been suggested by the editor that you might consider: O Misuse of Computers Act - O Data Protection Act - O Copyright -
A05 Cont… To achieve Distinction level you must demonstrate a thorough understanding of computer legislation, using a range of examples. Your descriptions must be accurate.
AO5: Legal, ethical & moral issues in ICT Legal issues Computer misuse Data protection Copyright Freedom of information Health & Safety Moral issues Violent video games Plagiarism & cheating Privacy Web addiction E-Safety Choose 4-5 of these topics