Substance Abuse By: Joe Gonzalez & Danielle Lyner
What is substance abuse? Over-indulgence or dependence on an addictive substance, especially alcohol or drugs.
Commonly Abused Substances Alcohol Wine Liquor Beer Drugs Cocaine Heroin Meth Marijuana Crack- Cocaine
Alcohol Statistics About 88,000 people die annually from alcohol abuse Third leading preventable cause of death in United States 17 million adults, 18 years and older suffered from alcohol abuse in 2012 11.2 million men 5.7 million women About 1.4 million of these men and women sought treatment in 2012
Youth Statistics Estimated 855,000 adolescents (12-17) suffered from alcohol abuse in 2012 3.6% females 3.2% males 76,000 of these adolescents received treatment for their abuse
Drugs Statistics 8.7% of people 12 and older admit to using an illegal drug 230 million drug users worldwide 19.9 million users in the United States Drug abuse equates for $600 billion price tag every year
Drugs Cocaine 1.9 million users Ages more likely to use Men were reported to use cocaine more than women Meth 10.3 million users 1.3 million in the last year Average age of users is 21
Drugs Cont’d Heroin 669,000 American’s reported using heroin in 2012 Heroin use has been on the rise since 2007 Heroin overdoses have increased 45% in recent years Average users ingest anywhere from 150mg to 250mg a day
Reasons for Abuse Peer pressure A way to deal with stress Genetics Relationship problems Deal with mental disorders Brain chemical imbalances after long-term alcohol abuse
Treatment Detox Rehabilitation Facilities Psychological Counseling Spiritual Practices Medications Support systems AA meetings NA meetings
Withdrawal The syndrome of often painful physical and psychological symptoms that follows discontinuance of an addicting Side effects Shakes Sweating Nausea Irritability Anxiety
Sources alcohol-consumption/alcohol-facts-and-statistics alcohol-consumption/alcohol-facts-and-statistics substance-abuse/ substance-abuse/ sm/causes.html sm/causes.html conditions/alcoholism/basics/treatment/con conditions/alcoholism/basics/treatment/con