Colony: Quick info! Archer 2013-2014
Georgia – Southern Colony Founder: James Oglethorpe Reason Founded: Social & Political Background: Georgia is known as the debtor colony. People who were jailed in England for not paying their debts would have the opportunity to settle in Georgia. Also known as the buffer colony because it was between the Spanish Florida and the rich South Carolina
The Carolinas - Southern Colonies Founder: 8 Lord Proprietors Reason Founded: Economic Background: Developed close ties to the West Indies. Cash Crops were rice, indigo, and tobacco. Used slaves from West Indies because they knew how to grow the rice.
Virginia – Southern Colony Founder: Virginia Company - 1607 (Captain John Smith) Reason Founded: Economic Background: Founded by the Virginia Company by which was a joint-stock company. The main cash crop was Tobacco.
Maryland: Southern Colony Founder: Lord Baltimore Reason: Religious freedom Background: A safe haven for Catholics who had been persecuted
New York: Middle Colony Founder: Duke of York Reason Founded: Political Reasons Background: First called New Netherland, founded by the Dutch for trade and profit. When the English came in they told the Dutch to leave and the Duke of York took control of the area.
Pennsylvania: Middle Colony Founder: William Penn (wrote its first constitution) Reason Founded: Religious Freedom Background: Quakers lived in Pennsylvania. They were known for its tolerance of other religions. Quakers had liberal land policies, bought land from the natives, and had a good relationship with the natives. There were no restrictions on immigration, and slavery was not allowed in the colony
New Jersey: Middle Colony Founders: Lord John Berkley and Sir George Carteret Reason Founded: Economic Background: 1674 West NJ sold to Quakers. East NJ eventually acquired by Quakers. Then in 1702 E & W NJ combined into NJ and created one colony.
Delaware: Middle Colony Founder: Lord De La Warr Reason Founded: Economic Background: 1703 granted its own Legislative assembly. Remained under the control of Pennsylvania until the American Revolution. In 1704 formed its own legislature.
Massachusetts: New England Colony Founder: William Bradford - 1620 Reasons Founded: Religious Freedom Background: The Pilgrims landed in Plymouth. Before they got off the ship they signed the Mayflower Compact which was a self-governing document where all agreed to obey the laws of the colony. The Puritans landed in Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Rhode Island: New England Colony Founder: Roger Williams Reason Founded: Religious freedom Background: Roger Williams was kicked out of Massachusetts for going against the Puritan church. He set up Rhode Island as a colony for religious freedom. Rhode Island becomes known as the “Sewer” because it was seen by the Puritans as a dumping ground for unbelievers and religious dissenters
Connecticut: New England Colony Founder: Thomas Hooker Reason Founded: Economic Background: Hooker wanted profit from trade religious and political freedom. Adopted the plan of government called the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. This was the first written constitution in the colonies. It described the organization of representative government in detail.
New Hampshire: New England Colony Founder: John Wheelright Reason founded: Economic Background: The main reason for settling here was profit from fur trade and fishing