Leadership Institute Branch Legal Training Section Driving by Foreign Nationals in Kentucky Roll Call Training
Objective At the end of this review, the viewer will be able to: Determine the legal validity of foreign operator’s licenses in Kentucky. RCT Non-citizen drivers2
Driving in Kentucky During a traffic stop, a Kentucky officer may be presented with a document that purports to convey driving privileges, but isn’t a Kentucky operator’s license. RCT Non-citizen drivers 3
International Driver’s Permit An “International Driver’s Permit” (IDP) is recognized by many countries as an item to accompany a driver’s home country OL – but it does not replace it. RCT Non-citizen drivers4
International Driver’s Permit It serves only as a document to translate certain critical portions of the holder’s OL, which may be in a foreign language. The home country OL MUST BE PRESENTED as well. RCT Non-citizen drivers5
Fake Documents An officer may come across an false “International Drivers’ License” – a hard plastic card very similar in appearance to an OL issued in the U.S. RCT Non-citizen drivers6
Fake Documents None of these convey driving privileges in Kentucky – no matter what the holder says …. RCT Non-citizen drivers7
Mexican Operator’s License In short, there is no such thing as a “Mexican” Operator’s Licenses. Valid Mexican driver’s licenses are issued by the State in Mexico in which the individual lives, not by the country itself. RCT Non-citizen drivers8
Other documents Kentucky officers may be presented with other documents in lieu of an OL – but again, these documents (while they may be valid) do not convey driving privileges. RCT Non-citizen drivers9
For more information … For more information on the Matricula Consular identification card, please see the White Paper on the topic on the DOCJT Website at: RCT Non-citizen drivers10
So … who can drive? KRS , visitors to Kentucky, including visitors from other countries, may drive on their home state/country operator’s license for the duration of their visit. However, if they become resident in Kentucky, they are expected to obtain a limited duration Kentucky operator’s license. RCT Non-citizen drivers11
Non-citizen Driver’s Licenses For more information on non-citizen driver’s licenses in Kentucky, click on: RCT Non-citizen drivers12
Questions? If you have any questions concerning this presentation, please feel free to contact the Legal Training Section in one of the following ways: Website: Phone: RCT Non-citizen drivers13