1 Overview of Travel Policy Overview of Travel Policy Presented By: John Harabedian Tax Director 2015
RU TRAVEL.RUTGERS.EDU Rutgers Policy Rutgers Policy TABER form TABER form Per diem meal rates-domestic & foreign & IRS rates Per diem meal rates-domestic & foreign & IRS rates Oanda currency conversion Oanda currency conversion Mapquest for mileage Mapquest for mileage RU Travel agencies RU Travel agencies FAQ’s FAQ’s Lost receipt form Lost receipt form 2
3 Travel And Business Expense Report (TABER form) Travel And Business Expense Report (TABER form) Used for requesting reimbursement for employees out-of-pocket expenses incurred while traveling on University business. Used for requesting reimbursement for employees out-of-pocket expenses incurred while traveling on University business. Also used to reimburse other University business related expenses such as business meals. Also used to reimburse other University business related expenses such as business meals. Can be used to purchase small incidental items under $500 according to the purchasing guidelines. Can be used to purchase small incidental items under $500 according to the purchasing guidelines.
Image Now-Scanning Process TABER (Travel and Business Expense Report) When submitting a TABER, the legacy Rutgers Accounts Payable Department requires receipts be taped on all 4 sides to an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper so that it can be scanned. You can submit multiple receipts on a page but do not stack receipts one behind the other on a single sheet. Any receipt that is already 8-1/2 x 11 in size or larger can be sent as with TABER. Please do not staple receipts to the TABER. TABER (Travel and Business Expense Report) When submitting a TABER, the legacy Rutgers Accounts Payable Department requires receipts be taped on all 4 sides to an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper so that it can be scanned. You can submit multiple receipts on a page but do not stack receipts one behind the other on a single sheet. Any receipt that is already 8-1/2 x 11 in size or larger can be sent as with TABER. Please do not staple receipts to the TABER. RBHS (Travel expense forms) requires same procedures for scanning. No staples, tape all receipts for scanning. RBHS (Travel expense forms) requires same procedures for scanning. No staples, tape all receipts for scanning. 4
5 Expense Report Requirements Expense Report Requirements Detail of the business reason or purpose for the expenditure, Clear explanations. Detail of the business reason or purpose for the expenditure, Clear explanations. Itemization and all original receipts for every expense over $50,( except meals.) Itemization and all original receipts for every expense over $50,( except meals.) Original signature of the individual traveler requesting reimbursement, and Original signature of the individual traveler requesting reimbursement, and Approval of the TABER by the traveler’s supervisor or the supervisor’s designee who does not report to the traveler. Approval of the TABER by the traveler’s supervisor or the supervisor’s designee who does not report to the traveler. Traveler must submit the expense report within 60 days. Traveler must submit the expense report within 60 days. TABERs submitted beyond one year after the date(s) of travel will not be reimbursed TABERs submitted beyond one year after the date(s) of travel will not be reimbursed
Business Expenses UNDER $500 small goods and services for emergency purposes UNDER $500 small goods and services for emergency purposes All violations must be sent to purchasing dept for one time approval if appropriate All violations must be sent to purchasing dept for one time approval if appropriate Use purchasing dept for goods and services over $500 Use purchasing dept for goods and services over $500 6
7 Examples of Noncompliance Examples of Noncompliance Missing the reason or business purpose for the reimbursement. Missing the reason or business purpose for the reimbursement. Approving of TABER by subordinates. Approving of TABER by subordinates. Failing to provide receipts for all expenses Failing to provide receipts for all expenses Expenses that are not Rutgers business-related. Expenses that are not Rutgers business-related. Charging alcohol on state and grant accounts. Charging alcohol on state and grant accounts. Meals included in the cost of conference/meeting fees Meals included in the cost of conference/meeting fees Charging a higher per mileage rate for use of personal car than allowed by the University. Charging a higher per mileage rate for use of personal car than allowed by the University. Seeking reimbursement for mileage and gas expense concurrently. Seeking reimbursement for mileage and gas expense concurrently. Seeking reimbursement for a spouse or family member’s travel costs Seeking reimbursement for a spouse or family member’s travel costs.
8 Expense Report References Expense Report References Regulations and Procedural Manual Regulations and Procedural Manual Travel, Travel Incidentals and Meal Expense Policy Travel, Travel Incidentals and Meal Expense Policy Policies and Procedures Concerning Employee Relocation Policies and Procedures Concerning Employee Relocation Travel Website See Responsibilities. Travel Website See Responsibilities. Call Dept. Business manager Call Dept. Business manager Tax Dept-Terri Shields, Taber compliance Tax Dept-Terri Shields, Taber compliance