CTIS Committee Meeting March 23 rd 2016 Chairwoman Jan Hallums-Quillman Councilwoman Bettye Gavin Councilman Pat Mudron
CTIS Agenda 1.Roll Call 2.Approval of Minutes 3.Small Cell Technology 4.New or Old Business, not for final action or recommendation – Current state of wireless infrastructure – Fiber Project Status Update – Office Adjournment
CTIS Small Cell Technology Cell towers serve density of approx. 3 miles Small Cell technology fills in the gaps from lack of coverage Wireless Bridge Partners offer revenue sharing arrangement for use of municipal assets with small cell infrastructure
CTIS Small Cell Technology
CTIS Small Cell Technology
Small Cell Technology
CTIS Small Cell Technology
CTIS Small Cell Technology
CTIS Small Cell Technology Recommendation – In view of the fact there is no financial obligation, and the City would retain control over device placement through individual lease agreements, I would recommend that the CTIS Committee provide direction to staff to proceed with bringing this matter to the full Council when all details of the proposal are finalized.
CTIS Wireless Infrastructure Over 50 locations connected via the wireless network – Redundancy built into the network There are two types of networks – Point-to-point (P2P) – Installed 2006 – Omnidirectional (mesh) – Installed 2005 All City data travels on this wireless network
CTIS Point to Point Wireless
Wireless Infrastructure Networks are maintained for break\fix only Select problem areas have been updated, but more areas becoming a problem Wireless roadmap has been developed – Can choose phased approach or upgrade entire network Impact to network maintenance costs – Capital funding has not been declared for this issue Patching where applicable to keep the system running
CTIS Fiber Optic Project Status History of the project – Mid 2013 began working with NIU to explore feasible of City Fiber plan – Lines on a map were developed – Not-for-profit constituents (schools, government agencies etc…) were identified, contacted and made aware of the potential benefits Lower cost internet High-speed connections between facilities
CTIS Fiber Optic Project Status Multiple layers to developing a fiber optic network – What are you putting in the ground to hold the fiber? Specifications on how to put it in the ground – How are you connecting facilities with the fiber optic? Shared network, independent access etc… – How are monitoring and managing the network in the ground? What to do if someone breaks the line.
CTIS Fiber Optic Project Status Where we are today is much further than we expected but building a network from the ground up still takes time Dig once opportunities have been extremely beneficial City bid projects are now being put together in anticipation for bidding process This is the future of IT connectivity for the City – Capital funds have been allocated to this project for 2016
CTIS Fiber Optic Project Status Still many questions remain unanswered but progress continues Re-engaging with consultants from NIU to help define roadmap – Specifications – Assist with bid packages – Portfolio of contacts due to successful fiber optic deployments in Dekalb
CTIS Office 365 The new “versions” of Microsoft Office are in the cloud Office 365 allows users to utilize newest office features and automatically stay on current versions of office as they are released is stored in the cloud and therefore allows for various enhancements over current versions – Larger mailbox, archiving, high availability
CTIS Office 365 City is currently licensed for approx. 450 users to utilize office 365 but we must “migrate” these users to the cloud Microsoft provides grant funding if the City decides to migrate users to the cloud in 2016 Staff is exploring costs associated with the migration and amount of potential funding from Microsoft