The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport D.B.A Program Global Management and Banking Industry Presented to: Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sayed Mustafa Presented By: Gamal Sedky Motaz Moustafa
Economic Globalisation and Global Manager The integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, Foreign direct investment, capital flow, migration, the spread of technology, and military presence. A global manager is the person who understands the procedures of conducting and managing business beyond boundaries.
What Parties Are Responsible For Raising A Global Manager? How These Parties Can Integrate? According to Ivancivich (2001) and Hebard (1996), one needs to have: strong technical skills, well- adjusted family situation, support of spouse, strong desire to go overseas, overseas experience, specific knowledge of overseas culture, academic standing, good language skills, knowledge of different cultures behavioral flexibility, open mind, good Relational ability, and good stress management skills.
Global Manager Requirements Cont…. Schermerhorn and Osborn (2003) describe the most important characteristics to become a good global manager for a certain industry are to value diversity and multicultural teamwork, and to have an ability to adapt well to different business environments. To have The so-called "Social Intelligence“. Gardner (1985) and(Salovey and Mayer, 1990, p. 189).
Can A Woman Manager Go Global? What Are The Challenges Of Managing Across Cultures ? Whether or not she may need the following managerial knowledge than male managers: human resources principles/practices, strategic management, financial management, project management, managerial accounting, production/operations management, legal issues/employment law, sales management, organization ethics and e-business.
Responsible Parties For Rising a Global Manager: It is extremely important that: Academic institutions, Schools, Training Centers And financial institutions To set their plans to provide their markets with the expected needs in the coming future.
Can Banking Industry Become Globalized? The improvements in information processing, telecommunications, and financial technologies have facilitated greater geographic reach by allowing institutions to manage larger information flows from more locations and to evaluate and manage risks at lower cost without being geographically close to the customer. Moreover, growth in cross-border activities of nonfinancial companies has spurred greater demands for institutions that can provide financial services across borders.
Challenges that faces Global Manager 1)Develop a Learning strategy to guide both short – and -long term professional development as a global manager. Planning is a cornerstone of effective management and perhaps nowhere is this more important than with regard to professional development. Global Managers are made not born and success in the field requires lifelong perspective on learning & development.
Challenges that faces Global Manager Cont.. 2) Develop a basic Knowledge of how different cultures work, what makes them unique, and how managers can work successfully across such environments. If culture and culture differences can only play an important role in managerial success in the global arena, it is logical to develop a greater understanding of how culture differ and how they influence attitudes and behaviors across the globe.
Challenges that faces Global Manager Cont.. 3) Develop effective strategies for working with managers from other cultures who may process information differently and view their roles and responsibilities in unfamiliar ways. Examining various patterns of managerial thinking and information processing and how such thinking can affect subsequent behavior. Also addressing the issue whether management styles are converging or diverging as a result of increased globalization forces
Challenges that faces Global Manager Cont.. 4) Develop an understanding of the competing interests and demands of various stakeholders in an organization as well as the organizational process necessary for achieving targeted outcomes. Most organization consist of several and often conflicting,stakeholders, including investors, employees, customers strategic partners and governments.It is management’s responsibility to balance these competing interests and build and operate an organization that best meets these divergent goals.
Challenges that faces Global Manager Cont.. 5) Develop an understanding of how business enterprise can be organized differently across cultures, as well as the implications of these differences for management, cooperation and competition Managers understand where power and authority usually resides, as well as the key interrelationships within the organization that must work together to achieve success. What experienced global manager also understand, however, is how organization design can differ around the world and how such differences can influence this success
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