Network No network resources exist outside a network Transport resources inside network –Link, Nodes, ports – are used to create connections between network ports Only network-ports are visible from outside the network Network is a group of tranport resources managed by an NSA Atomic Network is a group of transport resources owned by an NRM
NSI Transport Schema Network – – Group of transport elements [links and nodes] that are managed by a NS agent – No transport resources exist outside a network – Network makes connections between network ports [note: NML has no current concept of network – because we hadn’t defied a need or definition of a network] Network Port – -edge of network –network ports may statically connected to other ports from other network – Provides access to network [note: network port exists on end of link and edge of node, whereas NML port exists only on edge of node] Connection – Set of resources that provides a conduit to carry information
Networks – more definitions An atomic network is a group of transport resources owned by a NRM A network includes a set of one or more interconnected atomic networks An atomic network may be in multiple networks Two Networks are connected by attaching a network port from each to each other
Internetwork NSI Topology A NSI topology is a set of network ports For each network port – The NRM that owns the network port – The network port to which it is attached Topology may contain some or all network ports in a network or set of networks Topology is used to define what connections may be made [by limiting the topology the possible connections to be found from the topology can be limited]
Example Global Network made up of 3 Atomic networks Global Network has access ports where network users can connect their ports Atomic networks are connected by having port from one attached to a port from another
Atomic Network Managed by NRM A E D C B To Create a connection between ports A and C Join Port A to Link 1, Link1 to Link3, Link3 to Link6 NRM reserves Links, actual joining is done by control or management plane Note: Links 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 are available to create other connections
Making connections over multiple Networks E G F H a D C B N3 N2 N1 To Create a connection between ports A and D NRM for N1 creates connection between ports A and e NRM for N3 creates connection between port f and D, Ports e and f are permanently connected as part of global topology A b f d c e
Networks Interconnected with port groups E G F H a D C B N3 N2 N1 A b f d c e Networks may be interconnected with port groups – think VLANs over Ethernet or channels over SONET In this case port group must also be managed by “path selection” between networks external to NRM. Selection of a port from port group must be in addition to making connections across networks
Internetwork Topology A network in NSI terms is a group of resources that is able to make connections between ports An atomic network is a network whose resources are owned by a particular Network Resource manager A network consists of an atomic network + zero or more other networks A provider NSA manages connections between ports on a network
E G F H a D C B N3 N2 N1 A b f d c e Topology of Interconnected Networks N1 N2 attachment edg e Vertex Topology Graph
DD VLAN 1 VLAN 2 VLAN 3 lambda 1 lambda 2Lambda 2 Transport Termination (TT) “To_A” Transport Termination (TT) “To_B” SW_port 1 SW_port 2 Network A Network B STP (Service Termination Point) STP: NetworkA/To_B/SW_port1/VLAN1
Naming (static) connection between networks Static Connection is joining of two ports Network ports connect statically where connections are joined – at a physical socket or logical concatenation Naming of this connection – In topology graph it is an edge – In G.805 this is a point – In NML there is no name that I know for the edge between networks - see In NML ports are only on nodes Connection between ports is a link Link in NML does not have port or other identifier at ends of link ---- Link in NML is a resource Resources are included in a single network Connection between networks takes no resource --- Cannot be a link as defined in NML – it is not a resource This is a problem to be resolved between NSI and NML