ABMU East Area (Bridgend)
A+E audit by 2 doctors in 2008 identified that falls were poorly managed in A+E Patients were rarely referred for further investigation and prevention Falls project Dec2008-April2009,A+E pilot study for 1 week TotalAverage per day Total attendances >15422 No. of fallers365.1
Followed up by telephone and home visit, if required Telephone assessment effective at indentifying those who needed further investigations Despite low numbers would be considerable amount of workload for one individual Basic screening in A+E would be more effective
Patients 65> presenting at A+E not always being asked if their injury is the result of a falls Community Integrated Intermediate Care(CIIS) Senior Nurse based in A+E trialed falls risk screening tools To identify a screening tool that was quick and easy to complete but gave meaningful information e.g Elderly Falls Screening Test(EFST) Nurse in A+E delegated responsibility for looking at consequences of falls/falls prevention in A+E
Met with relevant personnel in A+E Decision made by Nurse that the screening tool be completed during the triage process Pilot would run for a period of 4 weeks Every patient 65> presenting at A+E would be asked if their injury was as a result of a fall Following intervention the bottom section of the form would be completed by designated nurse
21 patients screened- could have been 4times as many Female-76% 80> Male- 23% 80> Risk factors identified:- Medical problems- 95% Balance and Strength- 85% Staying active- 71% Fear of falling- 61% What to do if they fell- 38% Managing at home/hazards- 61% Vision- 61% Nutrition- 33% Feet and footwear- 23%
Feedback from staff in A+E The screening tool fulfilled the requirements of being quick, easy and meaningful From their experiences we have developed the form further i.e after each question there are signposting suggestions for positive answers Continue to work with colleagues in A+E Aim – ensure that all patients 65> are routinely asked if their injury is as a result of a fall
Now using an adapted version of the screening tool for Public Health ‘Falls Prevention’ campaign in the Bridgend area 2 GP surgeries Linked to flu vaccine clinics 2 levels of screening Falls Resource Pack
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