Supporting People Strategy Supporting People in Our Communities
Why the Five Year Strategy? All Supporting People Administering Authorities ( Councils) must have a plan regarding the Supporting People grant and statutory arrangements attached to this All Supporting People Commissioning Bodies (decision makers wider than the Council) have to identify priorities based on needs, gaps in services and quality & indicate how they will meet needs, improve quality and range of services with timetable
Five Year Strategies have to contain certain information Analysis of need for services by client group Information on existing services, quality and quantity compared to services needed to show gaps and changes required How charges will be set for services How savings can be made on spending How better quality services will be achieved Show priorities for change – & indicate how changes will be made and by when Spending and investment plan for the future Analysis of risks & how they will be planned for
Links to other strategies – why these are important Supporting People is required to work alongside other key strategies and plans Not to replace them or fund services that others should fund but to work in the same overall direction as part of a wider plan to achieve the best outcomes for all Key strategies include: ‘Spirit of Change’ Housing and Homelessness Strategies Performing Together Mental Health Strategy Community Safety Strategy Local Delivery Plan
Doing these things means big changes in thinking, planning & commissioning Different way of thinking about services Traditionally services grew up in a hotch potch way. Some are out of step with modern expectations Now far more is known about the needs of specific groups of people Many needs are not being met Knowledge is improving about the support that makes a difference and helps people help themselves Time now to apply knowledge and reconsider services against needs
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister – its advice and ‘Strategic Steer’ Decisions on priorities have to be related to: Reducing Homelessness Reducing levels of teenage pregnancy and work with young people to provide stable futures Reducing anti-social behaviour Helping create sustainable communities Promoting social inclusion particularly for people who are isolated, vulnerable, alienated or who are excluded socially, economically and otherwise Providing appropriate services for Black and Minority Ethnic groups for all needs
Strategic Priorities Broadly the directions are: to provide services that enable individuals to live as independently as possible to provide services in people’s own homes where possible to provide services available to all people regardless of tenure to provide services located where people want them To provide services that are accessible to all
Service Priorities Accommodation based support for the homeless – families & single people Housing support services for people with substance misuse and alcohol problems General floating support services that are flexible and suitable for our diverse and multi-cultural community and that can meet the needs of a range of client groups Floating support services to meet the needs of our growing older population including owner occupiers Housing support services that enable people with a learning disability to live independently including support for their carers
Service Priorities (contd.) We will work with other Supporting People Commissioners to develop specialist regional services for refugees, BME services and services for travellers We are commissioning a strategic review of services for older people that will review existing services and consider new ways forward. Future plans for services for older people will be based on this work.
Other Strategic Issues Move expenditure from council managed services to voluntary, RSL, private sector Capacity build with BME communities encourage the development of a BME workforce Encourage the development of local business in the sector Encourage the development of user led services
Timetable for Submission Local Strategic Partnership – 21 February Commissioning Body – 7 March Joint Social Care & Health and Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Committee – 16 March 2005 Commissioning Body (Final Document) 18 April Cabinet - April 2005 Primary Care Trust & Probation Boards – April 2005 Submission (together with the Housing Strategy) – April 2005