1 بسم الآب والابن والروح والقدس الإله الواحد آمين يا ربي يسوع المسيح يا عذراء مريم يا أم النور يا مار مينا العجائبي يا بابا كيرلس الحنون + Evangelism + Grash Course : Mind Over Mood Mind Over Mood Dr Dina Moftah
2 + Lecture [1] : Automatic thoughts
3 [1] Introduction : - Mind over Mood teaches Skills to help with : 1. Mood Problems: Depression – {Low self – esteem} – suicide Anxiety – PHobias – Obssessive Compulsive disorder - Anger – Shame – {Self – Critism} 2. Relationships :
4 [2] The 5 aspects of life : Figure (1) ENVIRONMENT Thoughts Moods Behaviors Physical Reactions Figure : Five aspects of Your life experiences. © 1986 Center for Cognitive Therapy, Newport Beach, C.A.
5 [3] Exercise [1] : Understanding your own problems: WORKSHEET 1 : Understanding My Problems Environmental Changes/Life Situations : ………………………………………………………………………………. ….. Physical Reactions : …………………………………………………. ……. ………………………………………………………………………………. ….. Moods : …………………………………………………………. ………. …… ……………………………………………………………………………. …….. Behaviors : …………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………. ………….. Thoughts : ………………………………………………………. …………… ……………………………………………………………………….. ………..
6 Helpful Hints (Questions) : If you are having trouble filling out Worksheet 1, the follow ing questions will help you: Environmental changes/Life situations: Have I experienced any recent changes? What have been the most stressful events for me in the past year? 3 years? 5 years? In childhood? Do I expe rience any long-term or ongoing difficulties (including dis crimination or harassment by others)? Physical reactions: Do I experience any physical symptoms that trouble me, such as changes in energy level, appetite, and sleep, as well as specific symptoms, such as. heart rate fluctuations, stomachaches, sweating, dizziness, breathing difficulties, or pain? Moods: What single words describe my moods (sad, nervous, angry, guilty, ashamed)?
7 Behaviors: What things do I do that I would like to change or improve? At work? At home? With friends? By myself? Do I avoid situations or people when it might be to my advantage to be involved? Thoughts: When I have strong moods, what thoughts do I have about myself? Other people? My future? What thoughts interfere with doing the things I would like to do or think I should do? What images or memories come into my mind?
8 [4] It's the thought that counts : 1. Thought /Mood connection : A Mood present Additional thoughts Ex : Kinds of people 2. Thought / Behaviour connection : EX : Milk, Milk carton – concentration 3. Thought / Physical Reactions connection : EX : A book imagine the scene 4. Thought / Enviornment connection : EX : Culture girl / boy
9 [5] Is positive [+] thinking Solution ? : - No - It's not that simple - Cognitive therapy (+), (-), (Neutre ) [6] Is changing the Way you think the only way to feel better? : - Thoughts is a central part of cognition therapy. - Equaly Important to make changes in : - Behaviors, physical reactions, environment - EX : Anxious people (1) Relax (2) Stop avoiding
10 [7] [3] Different levels of Beliefs : Figure 2 : Automatic Thoughts Assumptions Core Beliefs
11 [8] Automatic thoughts : - Awareness - Some of the Negative automatic thoughts : (1) All or None thinking (2) Emotional Reasoning (3) Maximizing (-), Minimizing (+) (4) Labels (5) Inappropriate Blaming (6) Jumping to conclusions
12 [9] Exercise [2] : Daily Record Dysfunctional Thoughts:
13 + Lecture [2] : Depression Low self – esteem Suicide
14 [1] Exercise [3] : Identifying and Assessing Symptoms of Depression : - Worksheet [3] : Mind over Mood Depression Inventory
15 [2] Cognitive Aspects of Depression : Beck "Beck" noted that when we are depressed we have negative thoughts about : (1) Self (1) self – critism (2) low self – esteem (2) low self – esteem (2) The World General Negativity (Reading between lines) (3) The Future Hopelessness (Suicide )
16 [3] Exercise [4] : Identifying Cognitive Aspects of Depression: Worksheet : Identifying Cognitive Aspects of Depression EXERCISE : Identifying Cognitive Aspects of Depression thoughts Worksheet lists some negative thoughts that people frequently have when they are depressed. To see if you've had these types of negative thoughts and to help you distinguish among them, check each thought you have had and indicate whether each thought is negative toward self, the future, or the world.
17 WORKSHEET4. : Identifying Cognitive Aspects of Depression
18 Work sheets [5] : Answers to worksheets [4] 1)I'm no good. ……………………………….……………….. Self 2)I'm a failure. ……………………………….………………. self 3)Nobody likes me. ………………………………………… Self/world 4)Things will never get better. ……………………………….. future 5)I'm a loser. ……………………………………….………… self 6)I'm worthless. …………………………………….………... self 7)No one can help me. ……………………………….……... world/future 8)I've let people down. ……………………………………… self 9)Others are better than I am. ………………………………... world 10)(S(he hates me. …………………………………………….. world 11)I messed up again. ……………………………….………… self 12)My life is a disaster. ………………………….……………. Self 13)(S)he dislikes me. ………………………………………….. world 14)I'm hopeless. ……………………………………………….. future/self 15)Others are disappointed in me. …………….……………….. world
19 [4] Treatment For Depression : [4] Treatment For Depression : [1] Cognitive Restructing Notice and Remember (-) aspects of their experience (-) aspects of their experience (-) bias (-) bias [2] Medication [3] Improving Interpersonal Relationships [4] Activity Scheduling :
20 Exercise [5] : Weekly activity Schedule Worksheet [6] : Tracking Activities – Weekly Activity Schedule
22 + Lecture [3] : Anxiety Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Traumas
23 [1] Introduction : Anxiety includes: Anxiety includes: PHobias PHobias OCD OCD Panic Attacks Panic Attacks [2] Anxiety Profile : - Figure [3] - Figure [3]
24 Anxiety Profile Thoughts Overestimation of danger Underestimation of your ability to cope Underestimation of help available Worries and catastrophic thoughts Physical Reactions Sweaty palms Muscle tension Racing heart Flushed cheeks Lightheadedness MoodsNervous IrritableAnxiousPanickyBehaviors Avoiding situations where anxi ety might occur Leaving situations when anxiety begins to occur Trying to do things perfectly or trying to control events to prevent danger
25 Environment : 1) Trauma accident, war 1) Trauma accident, war 2) Things we are taught snake, dirty 2) Things we are taught snake, dirty 3) Things we observe Newspaper 3) Things we observe Newspaper [3] Anxiety Responses : [3] Anxiety Responses : - " Fight, Flight or Freeze." - All the physical, behavioral and thinking changes are part of the anxiety responses - EX : out of the town
26 [4] Exercise [6] : Identifying and Assessing symptoms of Anxiety Worksheet [7] : Mind Over Mood Anxiety Inventory
27 [5] Cognitive Aspects of Anxiety : [5] Cognitive Aspects of Anxiety : - The thoughts that accompany anxiety are different from the thoughts that characterize Depression. - Anxiety is accompanied by the perception that we are in Danger or Threatened - A threat or Danger can be : (1) Physical you will be hurt snake (1) Physical you will be hurt snake (2) Social you will be rejected (2) Social you will be rejected (3) Mental something makes you worry (3) Mental something makes you worry - Anxious thoughts are future Oriented and predict catastrophe. " What If …" EX : Speech
28 [6] Exercise [7]: Identifying thoughts Associated with Anxiety Worksheet [8] : 3. Automatic Thoughts (Images( 2. Moods 1. Situation a. What was going though your mind just before you started to feel this way? Any other thoughts? Images? b. Circle the hot thought a. What did you feed? b. Rate each mood (0- 100%) Who?What?When?Where?
29 [7] Overcoming Anxiety : (1) Cognitive Destructing : 1. Decrease your perception of Danger 1. Decrease your perception of Danger 2. Increase your confidence of Cope 2. Increase your confidence of Cope (2) Controlled Breathing (3) Imagery (4) Overcoming Avoidance (5) Medication (6) Distraction [ The best Method] [Activities, thoughts]
30 + Lecture [4] : Psychology of Dealing Between The Servants of one team, for The Success of the team
31 [1] One team incudes : (1) Moods : Depressed, Anxious, obsessed, shamed, Anger, Jealous, Guilty, self- critism, low self- esteem, …… Depressed, Anxious, obsessed, shamed, Anger, Jealous, Guilty, self- critism, low self- esteem, …… (2) Behaviours : Passive, Aggressive, overwhelmed, Excited, ………. Passive, Aggressive, overwhelmed, Excited, ………. (3) Environment [ Different ages, gender] [ Different ages, gender] Traumas, culture (what we are taught), what we observe, …. Traumas, culture (what we are taught), what we observe, …. (4) Thoughts : I am failure, I'm unlovable, Nobody'll like me,….. I am failure, I'm unlovable, Nobody'll like me,…..
32 [2] Some solutions : (1) Active listener (2) Express Myself [ Shame/Anger] (3) Don't personalize everything (4) No high expectations (5) Must Wish (6) NO Negative automatic thoughts (7) Respect differences (8) Thoughts are not facts