California Integrated Waste Management Board Consideration Of Allocation Proposals To Be Funded From The Integrated Waste Management Account And/Or To.


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Presentation transcript:

California Integrated Waste Management Board Consideration Of Allocation Proposals To Be Funded From The Integrated Waste Management Account And/Or To Be Funded Across Multiple Funds (Used Oil Recycling Fund, Tire Recycling Management Fund, Recycling Market Development Zone Account, And/Or Electronic Waste Recovery And Recycling Sacramento, CA Tuesday, February 6, 2007 Mark Leary, Executive Director Strategic Policy Development – Agenda Item B Account, FY 2006/07)

California Integrated Waste Management Board This item is a compilation of allocation proposals that seek to implement the Strategic Directives, Governor’s Executive Orders, legislative intent, and other priority projects.

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-9: TECHNOLOGIES AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES REDUCING GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS FROM LANDFILLS Allocation Request: $150,000 (IWMA) Allocation will fund the development of a guidance document with recommendations and implementation strategies on how to reduce GHG emissions for landfill operators and regulators

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-10: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR PRECAUTIONARY APPROACHES Allocation Request: $200,000 Split Funding IWMA, Tire, Oil, RMDZ & E-Waste $40,000 per fund Allocation will fund development of a guidance document for Cal/EPA on precautionary approaches including developing proposals for policy, regulatory and statutory changes in addition to identifying reasonable cost-effective approaches to prevent or minimize adverse environmental impacts.

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-11: CALTRANS COMPOST WORKSHOPS Allocation Request: $30,000 (IWMA) Allocation will fund the development of 4-5 additional workshops in an effort to continue to educate Caltrans and other agencies about the compost-based BMPs.

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-12: SURVEY AND ANALYSIS OF COMPOSTING INDUSTRY BMPs & MARKET CONDITIONS Allocation Request: $75,000 (IWMA) Allocation will fund a survey and analysis that would provide essential information on the existing BMPs currently being used by composters with respect to minimizing environmental impacts on air and water.

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-13: BIOFUELS FROM SOLID WASTE: CASE STUDIES, TOOLBOX, WEBSITE, AND OUTREACH Allocation Request: $75,000 (IWMA) Allocation will fund the development of an assessment on the feasibility of producing biofuels from solid waste, with an emphasis on identifying key research, testing, and pilot project opportunities.

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-14: ASPHALT SHINGLES DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Allocation Request: $150,000 (IWMA) Allocation will fund the development of new CA markets for reclaimed asphalt shingles (RAS), evaluate the performance of post-industrial RAS in a paving project, and incorporate into Caltrans and Greenbook specifications.

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-15: INCREASE MATERIAL EFFICIENCY IN HIGH PERFORMANCE SCHOOLS Allocation Request: $20,000 (IWMA) Allocation would support the expansion of the Low-Emitting Materials Table (LEM) of products, including upgrading from a document to a database, and increasing the types of materials that are promoted from LEM to include recycled content and Environmentally Preferable Products

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-16: MULTI-PRONGED APPROACH TO OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Allocation Request: $1,100,000 Split Funding (IWMA - $150,000; Tire - $200,000; Oil - $600,000; and E-Waste - $150,000) Allocation will fund a variety of outreach, advertising, and consumer education programs to enhance public participation and understanding.

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-17: LIQUIFIED NATURAL GAS FROM LANDFILL GAS DEMONSTRATION GRANT Allocation Request: $740,000 (IWMA) Allocation will fund a project to enable the construction of a LFG-to-LNG commercial-scale demonstration at a permitted solid waste landfill.

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-18: FREECYCLE WEBSITE UPGRADES IN SUPPORT OF CIWMB PROGRAMS Allocation Request: $50,000 Split Funding (IWMA - $20,000; Tire - $10,000; Oil - $10,000; and E-Waste - $10,000) Allocation will fund an upgrade to the Freecycle website, which would provide better opportunities for sharing of information to facilitate municipal and state materials exchange.

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2006-D-19: ZERO IN ON ZERO WASTE BUSINESS CAMPAIGN Allocation Request: $184,000 Golden West College offers an “Environmental Studies” program, which seeks to develop a statewide platform of training and education on the Zero Waste approach.