Discovering Wes Moore An autobiography 8th grade read aloud for Biography unit.
Chapter 1- Note from the author and For Keeps. Readers of narrative non-fiction make predictions about the author’s intents. What is this biography going to be about? What was so important in this person’s life that a book was published about it? What does the author want the reader to learn or take away from reading this biography?
Chapter 2- Courtside in the Bronx Readers of biographies look and understand the significance of the person’s struggles. Make a T-chart to show the struggles of Wes and when/if they are resolved.
Chapter 3- The Chameleon Just like we read characters, readers of biographies read people, noticing actions and choices that reveal what each person is like. What can we tell about each of these people: Mom: Justin: Paris: DeShawn:
Chapter 4- Kid Kupid’s Last Strike Readers understand the impact other people have on the main person’s life. A negative attitude that leads to negative thoughts and actions. : List those that influence Wes to negativity and the results. Or A positive role model to influence someone else in a positive way. List those who influence Wes in a positive way and the results.
Chapter 5-- Plebe Readers of biographies realize every single part of the biography has a purpose. What is the purpose of this chapter? Why does the author include it?
Chapter 6- Refuge Readers become part of the person’s life. They step into the person’s shoes taking on the character’s experiences, feelings and wants. Write a journal entry as Wes Moore. Demonstrate your knowledge of his experiences, wants and needs.
Chapter 7- Airborne Readers sometimes stop and ask themselves difficult questions. Sometimes there is an answer and sometimes we are left as readers with no answers. Write 3 tough questions for this biography. As you continue reading and find the answer be sure write it down. Remember some questions will not have a resolution.
Chapter 8- Full Circle Readers understand many true stories are tales either of achievement or disaster, and each of these kinds of stories follow a predictable path. That path can help readers determine what matters most in the story. List the real Wes Moore’s details that lead to his achievements. List the other Wes Moore’s details that lead to his disaster/demise.
What information have you learned from this chapter? Chapter 9- Watende Readers of biographies realize authors often provide factual information to educate the readers about history, medical breakthroughs, other cultures etc... of the person’s life. What information have you learned from this chapter?
Chapter 10- The Other Wes Moore Readers of biographies discover the purpose of the biography through the lessons the author shares. Sometimes the lessons are inferred. Ask yourself, “Why was this memoir written” 1 page minimum
Chapter 11– The Return Readers of biographies pay attention to the progression of the main person through the struggles and achievements. Sometimes the main person comes full circle, sometimes they end up a bit short and sometimes they end up the opposite. Write a paragraph on the real Wes Moore and then the other Wes Moore. Did they both come full circle? A bit short? The opposite? Give evidence for your reasoning!