IIIIIIIV Ch. 6 - Chemical Bonding II. Molecular Compounds (Sec 6.1 & Sec 6.2)
A. Energy of Bond Formation zPotential Energy ybased on position of an object ylow PE = high stability
no interaction attraction vs. repulsion increased attraction A. Energy of Bond Formation zPotential Energy Diagram
balanced attraction & repulsion increased repulsion attraction vs. repulsion A. Energy of Bond Formation zPotential Energy Diagram
Bond Energy A. Energy of Bond Formation Bond Length zBond Energy yEnergy required to break a bond
A. Energy of Bond Formation zBond Energy yShort bond = high bond energy
B. Lewis Structures zElectron Dot Diagrams yshow valence e - as dots ydistribute dots like arrows in an orbital diagram y4 sides = 1 s-orbital, 3 p-orbitals yEX: oxygen 2s2p O X
B. Lewis Structures zOctet Rule yMost atoms form bonds in order to obtain 8 valence e - yFull energy level stability ~ Noble Gases Ne
++ -- ++ B. Lewis Structures zNonpolar Covalent - no charges zPolar Covalent - partial charges
C. Molecular Nomenclature zPrefix System (binary compounds) 1.Less electronegative atom comes first. 2.Add prefixes to indicate # of atoms. Omit mono- prefix on first element. 3.Change the ending of the second element to -ide.
PREFIX mono- di- tri- tetra- penta- hexa- hepta- octa- nona- deca- NUMBER C. Molecular Nomenclature
zCCl 4 zN 2 O zSF 6 ycarbon tetrachloride ydinitrogen monoxide ysulfur hexafluoride C. Molecular Nomenclature
zarsenic trichloride zdinitrogen pentoxide ztetraphosphorus decoxide yAsCl 3 yN2O5yN2O5 yP 4 O 10 C. Molecular Nomenclature
NOF Cl Br I H C. Molecular Nomenclature zThe Seven Diatomic Elements Br 2 I 2 N 2 Cl 2 H 2 O 2 F 2