1 First Meeting of the INSME Promoting Committee Milan, Italy: 7 July, 2003 Presented by: Dr. Arun Agrawal Secretary General World Association for Small & Medium Enterprises WASME-INSME COOPERATION IN TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION
2 OECD “Meeting the challenges of globalised markets requires a business climate that not only fosters start ups and innovativeness, but also facilitates small firms’ growth..” - OECD backgrounder DSTI/IND/PME (2003)3 Issued on 29 April
3 WIPO “While new products, brands and creative designs appear constantly on the markets and are the result of continuous human innovation and creativity, it is often the SMEs that are the driving force behind such innovations……..” - WIPO Publication No. 448E -
4 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Measures to accelerate the technology transfer need to focus on bridging the information and technology gaps between the suppliers and the technology acquirers. SMEs need substantial support from intermediaries and TT networks in close proximity throughout the technology transfer process to be able to benefit from such measures.
5 INNOVATION SMEs must be enabled to focus on both incremental as well as radical innovations to remain competitive as radical innovations can either result in their collapse or provide them new great opportunities.
6 THE INSME PROCESS The Feasibility Report presented at the INSME SG Meeting in December 2002 documents empirical evidence on the good practices in promoting innovations and technology transfer and sets up a road map for future INSME initiatives in this field.
7 THE INSME INITIATIVE The INSME initiative aims at stimulating SME’s innovation processes in the global economy by promoting and strengthening innovation services and technology transfer for SMEs through intermediary bodies and their networks…..
8 WASME INSME COOPERATION It is in this context that a synergetic relationship between INSME and WASME, the leading International NGO of SMEs in the world, would be of considerable benefit to both the institutions in fulfilment of mandates of the respective organisations.
9 WASME INSME COOPERATION WASME sees possible cooperation with INSME in two phases. Initially, in the role of establishing forward and backward linkages between lead intermediaries and TT Networks in developing countries where it has a strong presence, and INSME. Some of these are : Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia Shanghai Technology Transfer and Exchange, China
10 WASME INSME COOPERATION National Research Development Corporation, India NSIC Technology Transfer Centre, India Korea Technology Transfer Centre Industrial Technology Institute, Sri Lanka Centre for Transfer for Cleaner Technologies, Thailand Institute for Small Scale Industries, Philippines attached to Technology Application Promotion Institute
11 WASME INSME COOPERATION Disseminating information on INSME’s on- going initiatives through : its widely circulated Newsmagazine “World SME News” and bulletins/newsletters issued by member organizations its website: and providing hyper links to INSME and its partnering intermediaries and TT Networkswww.wasmeinfo.org distribution of INSME promotional materials at various Conferences organized by it world wide.
12 WASME INSME COOPERATION In the subsequent stages, WASME could undertake major tasks and provide value added inputs to INSME with suitable project support. These could include : Undertaking specific assignments involving studies,surveys and analysis Undertaking joint projects with INSME and intermediaries
13 WASME INSME COOPERATION Conducting training programmes and workshops Acting as a hub in channelising information or contents flow between INSME.its network partners and other designated agencies Documenting successful case studies and best practices in the areas of innovation and technology transfer
14 WASME can provide support to INSME in all the three phases of its planned evolution : l Support at the Community Model Phase Assist in identifying site specific requirements and projection of demand side parameters THE INSME ROAD MAP
15 l Support at Service Model Phase Assist in preparing and orienting the recipients and/or organising the tutoring and training programme l Support at Development Model Phase Assist in integrating the indigenous contents in the technology package planned for transfer THE INSME ROAD MAP
16 Welcome to XIVth International SME Conference Tel Aviv, Israel: September 15-18, 2003 Opportunities for SMEs in a Globalised World: Innovative Policies and Programmes
17 CONCLUSION Judging from INSME’s vision and the ground that it has covered within a short span of time, it is clear that it has a major role to play in the coming years for enabling SMEs to derive maximum benefits from technology transfer and innovation related processes. WASME looks forward to working closely with INSME in enhancing the efficacy of services that INSME intends to provide to SMEs, directly or through intermediaries/networks, in its new incarnation as a self-supporting legal entity.
18 For further details you are invited to read the full paper distributed at the meeting. Thank You For Your Patience