6 th Grade Social Studies
Location Absolute Location and Relative Location ▪ Absolute Location- the exact location of something. ▪ The address of your house ▪ The latitude and longitude coordinates ▪ Relative Location- in relation to other places ▪ Near the mall ▪ To the right of the fire station
Description of a location Physical or human description ▪ Physical description ▪ What the land looks like, what the weather is, bodies of water nearby, types of animals/plants that are around ▪ Human description ▪ Languages spoken, religions practiced, amount of people in that area, jobs that people do there
How we use or abuse the earth Positive or Negative Positive ▪ Adapting (changing) to the earth or using it in the way it is supposed to be used ▪ Using a nearby river to supply water to a village Negative ▪ Changing the earth or abusing it ▪ Ex. Cutting down trees in the rainforest
How people, ideas, and goods are joined together around the earth Movement is the exchange of ideas to new locations to change that culture ▪ Ex. The pilgrims brought their ideas from England and taught the Indians about farming. Therefore we started the Thanksgiving holiday. Migration of people- People moving from place to place Goods moving into areas to change the way things are done.
Multiple areas with something in common Physical Regions or Human Regions Physical regions ▪ Has to do with commonalities of land ▪ Ex. Mountainous region, Great Lakes region Human regions ▪ Has to do with the commonalities of people ▪ Same languages spoken ▪ Same religions practiced ▪ Same traditions practiced
How does understanding the 5 themes help you to study geography and history? What real world connections can you make with the 5 themes? How do you already use some of these themes in everyday life?