Time Management Rhythms and Routines
Get a calendar/ planner 0 Keep handy—within view 0 Have a system within your calendar 0 Have enough room in planner to write any notes or reminders 0 Get a planner or calendar that already has time slots printed out
Budget your time 0 See how much time you have- Do this in the beginning of the day 0 Include all activities( plan your goals for the day) 0 Detailed calendar 0 Look at time available see each open slot 0 Choose how you want to spend each hour 0 Keep your schedule handy
Study Time 0 Plan time across week and each day 0 Include every course 0 Differentiate small and large tasks 0 Be realistic 0 Make Parker time like a work week 0 Effective Study groups
Accountability Partner 0 Extremely helpful for type B personalities 0 It’s a two way street 0 Compare and contrast what each other's priorities are and see if they align with yours
Revise schedule as necessary 0 If you are consistently skipping a task or are unproductive---change it! 0 Review your goals and lists at the end of each week 0 Make adjustments… We are Chiropractors after all
Reduce time suckers 0 “Stay Focused” Program 0 Plan ahead 0 Cancel cable 0 Have self-discipline- IMPORTANT LIFE SKILL 0 Make commute time intentional 0 Audio flashcards 0 Philosophy CD 0 Relaxing
Sleep helps you make best use of your time Attention and memory are much better with enough sleep
Evidence 0 An article published in the Journal of Experiment Psychology states, “Results demonstrate that memory over a sleep interval was superior to memory over a waking interval.” ( o Decide how much sleep you want and need and stick to it!
Stay Healthy! Workout and eating healthy helps you maintain focus and energy
Talk about saving time… 0 “Compared with the non-runners, the researchers discovered that physically fit mice had double the number of new nerve cells in a region of the hippocampus — an area of the brain involved in learning and memory. When the scientists later taught the runners and non-runners to navigate a water maze, they found the runners learned the task faster than the non-runners and took a more direct route to the maze end. ”new nerve cellshippocampus - Society of Neuroscience, 2013
Why are you here? 0 Attend a club 0 Philosophy Night 0 Get engaged with a committee or attend seminars 0 Get pumped up!
Depression/Burnout 0 Each person has only so much mental and emotional energy to expend 0 If you overspend and deplete your energy resources you will be unable to function adequately until you replenish mental and emotional energy 0 Zero balance= burnout
Reward Self 0 With a fun break you can look forward to