Swindon DU Hilux Vechile Accident /06/2016 Swindon DU Share with Pain Chris Fuoco IMDM
22/06/2016Swindon DU Hilux Vechile Accident Hilux Vehicle Accident Section number to go here
22/06/2016Swindon DU Hilux Vechile Accident Hilux Vehicle Accident A young and inexperienced driver of the team had a road traffic accident as can be seen from the picture on the next slide. He traversed the bend in the road at approx 30 mph, with the permitted speed of vehicles on the road being 50 mph. The road conditions were wet and as he came out of the corner, the rear end of the vehicle slid and he travelled across the opposite carriage way and ended up in the ditch. The driver escaped with just bruises yet could have been far worse. A full investigation into what happened and why is being undertaken.
22/06/2016Swindon DU Hilux Vechile Accident Hilux Vehicle Accident
22/06/2016Swindon DU Hilux Vechile Accident Hilux Vehicle Accident An Initial and potential lesson to learn from the investigation to date is that consideration hadn't been taken by the local management team to assist the new and young driver with becoming familiar with commercial vehicles. The drivers handbook for all Network Rail Drivers expects apprentices and drivers unfamiliar with commercial vehicles to be assisted where necessary. Please take time to read the hand book and the useful information that is available on the companies intranet site. – Please use the guidance and help available to help keep our drivers safe.