Journal #1 9/4/14 Define Psychology in your own words. Explain what a psychologist does (explain as many different roles as you can)
What Do You Know About Psychology? Let’s Take a Quiz
Psychologists have very little interest in studying people’s emotions.
Some psychological studies take years, or even decades to complete.
Some people are “left-brained” (use the left side of their brain more), while others are “right-brained” (use the right side of their brain more).
As you grow older, you lose your sense of taste.
People who watch violent television are more likely to be violent than those who do not watch violent television.
The best way to remember something is by repeating it over and over.
There may be more than one kind of intelligence.
Adolescents are in a constant state of rebellion against their parents.
All psychologists believe that people have free will to make choices in their lives.
Women tend to be more talkative than men.
Laughter can help people deal with stress.
Most people would be willing to administer a near fatal electric shock to another person if an experimenter told them to do so.
People usually fall in love with someone very different from themselves. “Opposites Attract”
________ Everyone dreams. Even people who are blind ________ Everyone dreams. Even people who are blind. . A well trained psychologist can determine a person’s hidden problems by analyzing their dreams. Playing classical music (such as Mozart) for a young infant will increase his or her IQ.
A well trained psychologist can determine a person’s hidden problems by analyzing their dreams.
Playing classical music (such as Mozart) for a young infant will increase his or her IQ.
Goals of Psychologists
Psychology The scientific study of behavior and mental processes… Behavior: any action that other people can observe (walking, talking, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) Mental processes (cognitive activities): dreams, perceptions, thoughts and memories.
The Goals of Psychology Observe Describe Explain Predict Control EXAMPLE: Buffalo Bills place-kicker Scott Norwood
Case Study: Scott Norwood Missed a field goal in Super Bowl XXV. The Buffalo Bills lost to the New York Giants. Scott Norwood lost his composure and could not make a field goal under pressure =
Complete the flow chart in your notes as we discuss each step. Goals of Psychology Case Study: Scott Norwood Observe & Describe: Explain: Predict: Control:
Observe & Describe Psychology observe the athlete, describing the problem that exists and the symptoms that support the diagnosis Scott Norwood Observe Norwood in practice Measure athletes’ heart rate and other body processes Interview athlete to find out when they feel anxious or distracted
Explain Psychologist explains the behavior of the subject/patient and why it occurs. Scott Norwood: Feel anxious during a big game or distracted by the noise of the crowd Some anxiety is good (motivation) Too much anxiety is harmful (shaky or distracted)
Predict Psychologist predict when and why behavior will occur. Scott Norwood: Athletes will do best when anxiety is moderate and will falter when anxiety is too intense Norwood will perform fine in practice but struggle or fail consistently in game situations
Control Psychologist will teach the subject/patient methods to change, thus control their behavior and mental processes Scott Norwood: Teach ways of keeping anxiety at a tolerable level filter sounds positive visualization, etc.
Chapter Vocabulary Use the textbook to begin working on Chapter 1 vocabulary. Attach this assignment to the BACK of your packet. DO NOT define the words on the word list.
Types of Psychologists Clinical Counseling Developmental School Educational Engineering Evolutionary Experimental Forensic Health Industrial Organizational Neuropsychologists Quantitative and measurement Social Rehabilitation Sports