Made by ”Elena Doamna” Food Industry College, Galaţi - ROMANIA
Scientific advancements have greatly changed our understanding of the role of nutrition in maintaining health and in the occurrence of many diseases. By definition, a proper diet is that which prevents nutrition deficiencies, providing enough nutrients and energy for growth and reproduction. In addition, the optimal diet promotes health and longevity and being characterized by lower risks for diet-related chronic diseases. The researches have shown that when we eat and our main focus is towards this activity, the satisfaction we feel goes deeper than the one related to the feeling of satiety.
According to the statistics, nutrition represents the field in which the most serious errors occur. The modern man eats poorly and unhealthy. That is why a person out of two suffers from overweight (exceeding by more than 10% of the normal weight). The higher the excess of body weight, the higher the percentage of people suffering from coronary heart diseases (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis) or cancerous conditions such as bowel cancer.
Statistics show that over 30% of the obese die from liver diseases or diabetes. The man can not enjoy a healthy life without having a healthy diet. For the body the proper foods are simple and natural. Raw foods of plant/vegetable origin should occupy an important place in both the consumption of healthy individuals and of the sick.
Researchers recommended that the daily diet include: CEREALS: wheat, rice, oats, corn, all provide the necessary carbohydrates, so you can enjoy energy. According to the studies whole grains are much healthier and richer in nutrients than the processed ones. VEGETABLES: are highly recommended those with an intensive shade, the more colorful a vegetable, the more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants contains. Very good choices are broccoli, sweet potatoes, and garden salad too; if you cannot eat vegetables as such.
FRUITS : you can eat them in many different ways: raw, canned, in compotes, dried, in salads. Beside the most common fruits (bananas, apples, peaches, pears), plums, mango, papaya, avocado and watermelon are also recommended to be eaten.
MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS: preferably those low in fat. For individuals with lactose intolerance, there are lactose free yogurts and cheese products. Some experts even recommend replacing the milk, which may contain more saturated fat, with calcium supplements.
FAT: the most recommended are corn oil and the olive oil. The inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries have a longer and healthier life just because they consume more olive oil. In Italy and Greece, many people drink olive oil in the morning before breakfast. It contains Omega 3 fatty acids that protect the heart, and antioxidants that prevent cancer. MEAT: this category includes fish, chicken, eggs. Doctors recommend to give up the red meat (pork and beef), because it contains saturated fats.
According to a study conducted in the United States, the ostrich meat is an alternative to beef and it has a market in continuous expansion. In Romania there are ostrich farms, thus proving that it is possible to grow ostriches here too. Ostrich meat is a red meat, tender, lean, tasty and healthy with real nutritive and curative qualities due to the very low cholesterol and it is a great alternative for all those people concerned about the high levels of fat in their diet. Compared to other meats, ostrich meat has 40% less cholesterol than beef and 80% less fat than chicken.