By Dini Massitoh
Simple past tense expresses the activities which began and ended in the past. We use the simple past tense for something happened or an action in the past. It usually uses adverbial of time such as yesterday, last night, two days ago, last week, etc.
1.Nominal Form I/he/she/itWas We/they/youWere FormPatternExamples +S + To Be (was/were) + adv I was hungry last night. -S + To Be + not + advYou were not happy yesterday. ?To Be + S + adv?Was she in the bookstore a week ago?
In the simple past tense, there are regular verbs and irregular verbs. a.Regular Verbs (add –d/-ed) In the regular verb, the base verb is added by –d/-ed at the end of the word to form the past tense. The spelling for the verb differs depending on the ending of that verb : 1.)If the verb ends in e, we just add –d. For examples : move – move d, please – please d, love – love d, etc. 2.)If the verb has a syllable and it ends in a consonant (except : C, W, X or Y) and it has a vowel before the consonant, so it must be doubled and then add –ed. For examples : clap – clap ped, trap – trap ped.
3.)If the verb has many syllables and it ends in a consonant after a vowel, so the consonant must be doubled and then add –ed. For examples : refer – referred, travel – travelled, submit – submitted. 4.)For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we change the Y into I and add –ED. For examples : cry – cried, study – studied, carry – carried. FormPatternExamples +S + Verb 2 + advYou studied English last night. -S + did not + Verb 1 + advShe did not type a text. ?Did + S + Verb 1 + adv?Did they play the football?
b.Irregular Verbs are common verbs in English language that do not follow the simple system of adding “-d/ed” at the end of the word to form the past tense. We have to memorize it or see to the dictionary to know the past form of the verb. For examples : go – went, freeze – froze, bring – brought, etc. FormPatternExamples +S + Verb 2 + advI drank a glass of milk. -S + did not + Verb 1 + advHe did not bring my book. ?Did + S + Verb 1 + adv?Did we go to the market?
1.Azar, Betty Schrampfer. (1999). English Grammar : Third Edition. New York. Longman. 2.Eastwood, John. (2008). Oxford : Learner’s Pocket Grammar. UK. Oxford University Press. 3.Suryadi Junaidi, S.Pd. (2007). Complete English Grammar. Yogyakarta. Pustaka Belajar.