Industry Assistance Office (IAO) What we do * Focal point for the Goddard Contractor community regarding business opportunities at the Center * Critical role in providing analysis and evaluation of contracting matters for SB Programs at GSFC and NASA Headquarters; supporting pre-award and post-award activities (PR Packages for Set Aside Determination (FY 14: 450+) Recommend small and disadvantaged business program goals Market Research (NPD c – SB Subcontracting Goals) Evaluate Subcontracting Plan – New Contracts Source Evaluation Board Consultant – ▫Review/Analysis & Report out Process implemented ▫SB Utilization Subfactor – SB Plan evaluation and other aspects (SB Program, Mentor Protégé, etc.) ▫Maintain the data and metrics (BPR Reporting to Directorate, Center, HQ) ▫Small Business data tracking and data integrity to ensure accuracy of reporting in our systems ▫Monitor eSRS ▫PEB input for SB subcontracting performance ▫Evaluate subcontracting plan as a result change under an existing contracts ▫Track obligated SB goal dollars monthly ▫ Coordinate the SB training program ▫Conduct research for several NASA Office of SB Programs (OSBP) data calls ▫Attend conferences as requested by OSPB for outreach efforts ▫Counsel numerous companies (SB and LB) on how to do business with NASA 1
Industry Assistance Office (IAO) Why we do what we do NASA is committed to providing all categories of small businesses maximum practicable opportunities to participate in both NASA prime contracts and subcontracts Small businesses provide ~50% of the jobs in our economy We need to continue to grow small businesses: ▫to assist with building a strong economy ▫to create jobs ▫to provide an expanding pool of capable businesses to perform work for NASA (small businesses do become large businesses) 2
SB Goal Achievement Monitor Performance towards SB Goal Achievement GSFC is the lead Center in the Agency obligating small business contracting and subcontracting dollars in the amount of $731M (FY14); a significant contribution to the Agency in meeting small business goals. In addition to the Metrics reports provided by OSBP, the SBS tracks GSFC performance internally and also specifically tracks approximately 30 major contracts (in terms of value) to review monthly and total obligations to date against FY 15 projections. 3 Goals (FY15)FY 14 Achievement FY 15 Thru July (3 mo remaining) Total ALL Obs$2,786,280,868$2,370,765,458 Total SB Obs$ 730,544,053$ 582,283,383 SB22.1%26.2%24.56% SDB14%18.6%15.63% HUBZone. 3%.1%0.08% WOSB3.0%2.5%3.14% SDVOSB1.5%.2%.5%
Small Business Actions Small Business Program Report –Mid Year due mid June (FY Oct 1 – Mar 31) –Final Due to OSBP mid Dec (all data through Sept. 30 th ) Baseline Program Review – Small Business –Centers include monthly SB statistics/discuss SB issues only during the OSBP highlighted quarter SB Goaling Exercise (Identify GSFC/HQ proposed FY 16 SB Goal) (Due to OSBP August 31) Small Business Industry Awards (SBIA) and Small Business Advocate Awards (SBAA) Nominations Due to IAO October 1 Acquisition Forecast – Every 6 months (Oct 1 st and May 1st) SB Training Program – In house Data Quality (FPDS Anomaly Reports) (Nov and May) Monitor eSRS (Reporting cycle ends September 30 (CO Reviews/Accepts Nov 15) and March 31 (CO Reviews/Accepts May 15) OSPB Quarterly Newsletter SB Council Meetings held every quarter to share best practices, latest news and updates, SB initiative progress. Meetings coordinated/scheduled with Center Industry Day. PREPARING FOR HUBZONE INDUSTRY DAY AUGUST 2016! 4
Industry Assistance Office Questions ? 5