Presentation to Portfolio Committee 2016/17 APP April 2016
Contents 2 Enabling Legislation - Mandate Vision Mission Strategic focus areas and goals Annual Performance Plan - Key programmes
Enabling Legislation National Film and Video Foundation Act 73 of 1997 as amended by the Cultural Laws Amendment Act 36 of NFVF is a Schedule 3A Public Entity in terms of the PFMA. Section 3 of the NFVF Act sets out mandates as follows: To promote and develop the film and video industry To provide and encourage the provision of, opportunities for persons, especially from disadvantaged communities, to get involved in the film and video industry To encourage the development and distribution of local film and video products To support the nurturing and development of and access to the film and video industry To address historical imbalances in the infrastructure and distribution of skills and resources in the film and video industry 3
Vision A leader towards a sustainable and diverse audio visual industry. * Audio-visual = All film (content transmitted through various platforms, e.g cinema, television, online, and other digital means), television, etc. excluding Music Videos, Reality TV, adult content, etc. 4
Mission * Audio-visual = All film (content transmitted through various platforms, e.g cinema, television, online, and other digital means), television, etc. excluding Music Videos, Reality TV, adult content, etc. 5 To collaborate with all stakeholders to enable the development and promotion of a transformed and thriving audio visual industry.
NFVF Strategic Focus Areas and Goals * 6 Strategy Focus Areas - What we going to focus on Strategy Goals - How we going to gauge progress TransformationAccelerating the support and development of PDI’s in the audio visual content industry in line with the BBBEE Legislation and the 3 Tiered Approach. Human Capital DevelopmentIncrease number of people trained focusing on PDI’s and areas of scarce skills. Content Development and ProductionIncrease number of films written, produced and directed by PDI’s. Audience and Markets for SA ContentPromote SA film industry locally and globally and increase audience access to SA Film. Infrastructure DevelopmentIncrease access to means of production and screening platforms for SA Film. Policy DevelopmentLead and influence development of film industry related policies and strategies at a local, provincial, national and regional level. Promoting Social Cohesion and Nation BuildingEnable the telling of stories of national significance particularly in indigenous languages. PartnershipsTo collaborate with and influence relevant stakeholders.
Focus Areas 7 TRANSFORMATION Implement internal NFVF Transformation Policy. Assess and approve funding according to the 3 tier approach: Tier 1 - Experienced filmmakers who have a proven track record for developing and producing more than 5 theatrically released feature films and/or television release or 3 – 5 feature length documentaries Tier 2 - Filmmakers with limited experience in the film and television industry, but who have developed and produced more than 2 theatrical feature films, television fiction, documentaries, 2-3 short films and/or commercials seeking to venture into feature film development and production. Tier 3 - New entrants into the industry, particularly but not limited to film school graduates from historically disadvantaged backgrounds. This intervention is geared towards first time filmmakers to have a “calling card” into the film industry. Implement SA Film Criteria internally and advocate for legislation of antennae for other state film funders.
Focus Areas (contd.) 8 HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT NFVF in-house training - scriptwriting and producers programme. NFVF funded 3rd party training (eg. Limpopo Film and Television School, Northern Cape Learnership). Bursaries - in 2015/16 financial year NFVF funded 64 local and 6 international bursaries. Internship programme - placed 50 interns at various broadcasters and production companies in partnership with MICT-Seta. School's programme (in partnership with NHC and NAC).
Focus Areas (contd.) 9 CONTENT DEVELOPMENT & PRODUCTION Fund development and production of SA films. The NFVF funds the development and production of films of historical significance: A call has been issued to fund films that will mark the 40th anniversary of the Soweto Uprising and the 60th anniversary of the Women’s march The NFVF funds the development and production of films in indigenous languages. Fund 2 slates that are specifically for youth and women filmmakers. Enterprise Development Programme – 4 x Black own production companies supported over a 3 year period.
Focus Areas (contd.) 10 AUDIENCE & MARKETS FOR SA CONTENT Participating in local and global positioning initiatives. Co-production Treaty activations focusing on BRICS and African continent. Funding local film festivals and other platforms. Activation of local roadshows with a focus on marginalised communities. Implement public screening programme especially around National days.
Focus Areas (cont.) 11 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Film Centre Project including training, production and screening facilities in underserviced communities. Develop and implement NFVF online SA Film marketing and sales platform.
Focus Areas (contd.) 12 POLICY DEVELOPMENT Lead White Paper amendments in respect of the film sector. Conduct and provide reliable and accurate industry relevant research.
Focus Areas (cont.) 13 PROMOTING SOCIAL COHESION & NATION BUILDING Fund development and production of films of historical significance: A call has been issued to fund films that will mark the 40 th anniversary of the Soweto Uprising and the 60 th anniversary of the Women’s march Fund development and production of films in indigenous languages. Implementation of NFVF language policy.
Focus Areas (cont.) 14 PARTNERSHIPS Implementation of NFVF Partnership strategy. Support and enable establishment of partnerships with provincial, national and regional film structures. Lead the collaboration between the public and private sector.
APP - Key Programmes 15 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE INDICATORANNUAL TARGETBUDGET Human Capital Development Internship ProgrammePlace 20 interns per annum R2.5M Skills Development64 bursaries p.a. 3 Training initiatives funded p.a. 2 Sediba Programmes p.a. 3 Mentorship programmes p.a. 1 Schools programme p.a. R4.5M R1M R2.6M R700k R500K
APP - Key Programmes (contd.) 16 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE INDICATORANNUAL TARGETBUDGET Promotional Events: Marketing and Communications Audience Development for SA Films and Content 7 Festival Grants awarded to National Festivals p.a R5M Local activations and promotional events 7 Festival Activations p.a Fund 50 Filmmakers p.a to attend Markets and Film Festivals 1 DAC Activation R4.65M R1.8M R300k International activations and promotional events Attend and activate at 7 International Festivals Attend 3 New Markets for SA Film Content R4.6M
APP - Key Programmes (contd.) 17 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE INDICATORANNUAL TARGETBUDGET Promotional Events: Marketing and Communications SA Film Brand Positioning 4 Brand activationsR4.5M SA Film and TV Industry Awards SA Film and TV Awards (SAFTAs) R5M Stakeholder Relations management Quarterly engagement fora with stakeholders R900k Implement a communications campaign Quarterly Communications with public and key stakeholders R1M
APP - Key Programmes (contd.) 18 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE INDICATORANNUAL TARGETBUDGET Production & Development of Content An increase in the volume of South African films produced in particularly by PDI’s 66 projects funded in development p.a 38 projects funded in production p.a 1 Women filmmaker slate funded annually 1 First time / Youth filmmaker slate funded annually 3 slates funded p.a R10.4M R17.45M R5M R6M
APP - Key Programmes (contd.) 19 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE INDICATORANNUAL TARGETBUDGET DistributionAssist to sell and distribute local films 1 Digital Platform for SA film industry developed and implemented 10 Marketing and Self Distribution grants awarded p.a R1M R2M
APP - Key Programmes (contd.) 20 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE INDICATORANNUAL TARGETBUDGET Policy and ResearchIndustry research conducted and published 4 Research Publications per annum R2.8M Policies approved3 policies approved by Council p.a R500k Certification of National Films Certify 90% of applications received annually 3 Co-production activations p.a R500k
APP - Key Programmes (contd.) 21 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE INDICATORANNUAL TARGETBUDGET R11.2M Governance: Administration Quarterly reporting to Council, DAC and Treasury Quarterly Reports Unqualified audit report Monthly Management Accounts Risk registerConduct an annual risk assessment workshop Implement recommendations etc. Internal Audit Function 4 internal audits per annum
APP - Key Programmes (contd.) 22 ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE INDICATORANNUAL TARGETBUDGET R24.1M Governance: Corporate Services Performance Management Implement Performance Management System Human Resources Development 6 staff are trained p.a. Labour and ComplianceCompliance with legislation PayrollImplement approved structure