Staffio a Manylion Cyswllt Staffing & Contact Details Marian Jones Rhif ffôn/tel: 01758 701385 est/ext 8630 E-bost/ Nia.


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Presentation transcript:

Staffio a Manylion Cyswllt Staffing & Contact Details Marian Jones Rhif ffôn/tel: est/ext 8630 E-bost/ Nia Hughes Hwylusydd Llyfrgell a TG Library & IT Facilitator- Hwylusydd Facilitator

Amseroedd Agor/Opening Times Llun9.00am – 5.00pmMonday Mawrth9.00am – 5.00pm Tuesday Mercher9.00am – 5.00pmWednesday Iau9.00am – 5.00pm Thursday Gwener9.00am – 4.30pm Friday Amser cinio o dan oruchwyliaeth myfyrwyr – croeso i wirfoddolwr Lunch time under student supervision – volunteers welcome

Mynedfa Entrance Derbynfa Llyfrgell Library Reception Papurau Newydd Newspaper Uned Astudio Study Unit Adran Adloniant Leisure Section Adran Llyfrau Cyffredinol General Book Section Allanfa Dân Fire Exit Cyfeiriol Referenc e 800 Llungopiwr/argraffydd Photocopier/printer 650 Cyfrifiadur argraffu’n unig Printing only computer Ffuglen Saesneg English Fiction Ffuglen Cymraeg Welsh Fiction Cylchgronnau Journals 362 Adran y BAC BAC Section Siop Sho p Multimedi a Amlgyfrw ng Y Bar WiFi The WiFi Bar Llyfrau Adran Adloniant Leisure Section books

Trefn Benthyca Llyfrgell: Borrowing Procedures: Caiff unrhyw lyfrau eu rhoi allan ar fenthyg o Ddesg Derbynfa’r Llyfrgell a, yn yr un modd, dylent gael eu dychwelyd i’r Ddesg. Os nad yw llyfr yn cael ei ddychwelyd ar amser yna byddwch yn derbyn e-bost neu lythyr i’ch atgoffa. Peidiwch byth a benthyg eitem i drydydd person. Eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw unrhyw eitem sydd ar fenthyg yn eich enw chi! All books are issued from the Library Reception Desk and, in the same manner, should be returned to the Desk. If a book isn’t returned on time then you will receive an overdue e- mail or letter to remind you. Never loan an item to a third party. Any item on loan in your name is your responsibility! Cofiwch y byddwch angen eich cerdyn ID Please remember that you will need your ID card

BENTHYCIADAU: CATEGORIAU A CHYFNODAU BENTHYG BORROWING: LOAN CATEGORIES & LOAN PERIODS Categori benthyg Loan Category Cyfnod benthyg: Loan Period: Uchafswm: Maximum: Benthyciadau cyffredinol General loans 3 Wythnos 3 Weeks 6 Benthyciadau tymor byr (sticeri coch neu ‘overnight’ ar sbein y llyfrau) Short term (red stickers or ‘overnight’ labels on the spine of book) Dros nôs neu dros ben wythnos Overnight or over a weekend 2 Sticer ‘7 Days’ ar sbein llyfr ‘7 Days’ sticker on spine of book 72 DVDau, Cdau, Fideo DVDs, CDs, Videos 72 Camerâu Cameras Ar y campws yn unig Only on campus 1 Cyfeiriol, cyfrifiaduron tabled, gliniadur Reference, tablet computers, laptop At ddefnydd yn y llyfrgell yn unig Library use only

CYFRIFIADURON COMPUTERS Pwyntiau pwysig i’w cofio: Polisi defnyddio TGCh: rydych angen gwybod y rheolau yma. Eich Cyfrinair : peidiwch a’i ddatgelu i’ch cyd-fyfyrwyr, ffrindiau na staff! Mynediad i’r Rhyngrwyd: peidiwch a cham ddefnyddio’ch hawliau! ( Fe allwch golli eich hawliau cyfrifiadurol neu wynebu panel disgyblu mewn rhai achosion o gamddefnyddio). Ebost myfyrwyr: Cofiwch ddefnyddio eich cyfrif ebost colegol. Important points to remember: ICT usage Policy: You need to know these rules. Your Password: do not disclose your password to your fellow students, friends or staff! Access to the Internet: don’t abuse your privileges! (Y ou may lose you computer privileges or even face a disciplinary panel in some cases of misuse). Student s: Remember to use your student account.

Logio i mewn Logging in Clicio bwtwm ‘enter’ Click the enter button Teipiwch eich rhif myfyriwr ac cyfrinair yma. Type your ID number and password here

Application Launcher Man cychwyn i gael mynediad at raglenni sydd ar rwydwaith y coleg Starting point for access to the programmes on the college network

Ffolder ‘Programmes’ Folder Linc yma trwy ‘programmes’ i: Moodle E-bost Myfyrwyr Windows Explorer Portal dysgwyr Programmes Link here through ‘programmes’ to: Moodle Student Windows Explorer Learner portal

Ffolder ‘Microsoft Office 2013’ Folder Cliciwch ar ffolder ‘Office 2013’ i gael mynediad at raglenni ‘Office’ i gyd Click on the ‘Office 2013’ folder to access all ‘Office’ programmes

Safio Gwaith Saving work PWYSIG : Gofalwch eich bod yn safio unrhyw waith i’ch H:Drive. Cadw’ch gopi wrth-gefn o’ch gwaith. H:DRIVE N.B: Os byddwch yn safio yn syth i ‘My Documents’ yna byddwch yn colli eich gwaith! If you save directly to ‘My Documents’ then you will lose your work! Peidiwch a symud na ail enwi y ffeiliau Docs a Config maent yn angenrheidio ar gyfer y system. Do not move or rename the Docs or Config files they are required by the system. IMPORTANT : Remember to save your work to your H:Drive. Keep a back-up copy of your work.

Cwota Argraffu Print Quota Papercut Logio i fewn i’ch cyfrif argraffu Logging in to your printing account Eich cyfrif argraffu Your printing account N.B: Bydd eich cwota gwreiddiol yn werth £10. Gallwch cael mwy o gredit drwy brynnu cerdyn o’r dderbynfa. Your initial quota will be worth £10. You can buy more cerdit in reception. Eicon papercut Papercut Icon

Porth Y Dysgwr Learner Portal

Moodle 2 Mynediad at adnoddau ar- lein y coleg Access to the college on-line resources Linc i adnoddau llyfrgell. Link to library resources. Gwybodaeth llyfrgell a TG IT & Library information

Os ydych chi angen unrhyw gymorth – Plîs Gofynnwch Rydym yma i’ch cefnogi If you need any assistance – Please ask We are here to support you Am ragor o wybodaeth gweler adran y Llyfrgell ar Moodle, posteri hysbysebu, ac wrth gwrs, gofynnwch i lyfrgellydd y safle! For more information please see the Library section on Moodle, information posters, and of course, ask the site librarian!