Yn Ystod y Tymor Dydd Llun i Ddydd Iau 8.30yb yh Dydd Gwener 9.30yb yh Nosweithiau, Dydd Sadwrn a Gwyliau Bydd mynediad i’r llyfrgell ar gael yn y Llyfrgell UCCL
Term Time Monday – Thursday 8.30am pm Friday 9.30am pm Evenings, Saturdays and Holidays Library access is available in the UCCL Library
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Gina Maddison Cynorthwywr Adnoddau Dysgu Ian Rennie Rheolwr y Gweithdy TG Daniel Heath Cynorthwywr Adnoddau Dysgu Gareth Williams Cynorthwywr Adnoddau Dysgu Lesley Ward Uwch Gynorthwywr Adnoddau Dysgu Mark Jones Cynorthwywr Adnoddau Dysgu Andrew Eynon Rheolwr y Llyfrgell Pat Hebron Uwch Swyddog Gwybodaeth Ceri Powell Dirprwy Reolwraig y Llyfrgell Zoe Pinder Cynorthwywr Adnoddau Dysgu Victoria Gelezinis Cynorthwywr Adnoddau Dysgu Siona Murray Swyddog Gwybodaeth Rhiannon Pugh Cynorthwywr Adnoddau Dysgu Lee Hatenboer Cynorthwywr Adnoddau Dysgu
Gina Maddison Learning Resource Assistant Ian Rennie ITW Manager Daniel Heath Learning Resource Assistant Gareth Williams Learning Resource Assistant Lesley Ward Senior Learning Resource Assistant Mark Jones Learning Resource Assistant Andrew Eynon Library Manager Pat Hebron Senior Information Officer Ceri Powell Deputy Library Manager Zoe Pinder Learning Resource Assistant Victoria Gelezinis Learning Resource Assistant Siona Murray Information Officer Rhiannon Pugh Learning Resource Assistant Lee Hatenboer Learning Resource Assistant
Llyfrau cwrs a hamdden Cyfnodolion a chylchgronau DVDs a CDs Cyfrifiaduron rhwydweithiol galw i mewn Mynediad i adnoddau ar-lein e.e. E-lyfrau, E-gylchgronau ac E-bapurau newydd Cefnogaeth a hyfforddiant ar sut i ddefnyddio adnoddau ar-lein Desg cymorth TG ar gael dros y ffôn neu e-bost Mynediad i Wi-fi Cefnogaeth defnyddio adnoddau TG e.e. Ysgrifennwr CD, sganiwr, printio lliw Ardaloedd astudio tawel a grŵp Ardaloedd darllen Cornel cyfnewid llyfrau Gwerthu nwyddau ysgrifennu
Course and Leisure books Journals and magazines DVDs and CDs Drop in networked PCs Access to online resources e.g. E-books, E-journals and E-newspapers Support and training on how to use online resources. IT helpdesk service via phone or Wi-Fi access Support using IT facilities e.g. CD writer, scanner, colour printer. Quiet and group study areas Reading areas Book swap corner Stationery sales
Rydych angen bod yn aelod o’r llyfrgell er mwyn benthyca eitemau. Gofynnwch am ffurflen aelodaeth o ddesg flaen y llyfrgell – byddwch angen eich cerdyn myfyriwr er mwyn ymuno. Gellir chwilio drwy Gatalog y Llyfrgell OPAC drwy ddefnyddio’r dau gyfrifiadur sydd wedi eu neilltuo’n arbennig ar gyfer y defnydd yma yn y Llyfrgell. Mae modd defnyddio’r OPAC o’ch cartref. Gallwch hefyd ail fenthyca/cadw eitemau ar OPAC - Gofyn i staff y Llyfrgell am fanylion a rhif PIN.
You must be a member of the library to loan items. Please ask at the library desk for a membership form - You will need your student card to join. The Library Catalogue OPAC can be searched using the 2 dedicated PCs in the Library. You can also access OPAC from home. You can also renew / reserve items on OPAC. - Ask Library staff for details and a PIN number.
Gall aelodau llyfrgell benthyg hyd at 6 eitem.. Gellir benthyca eitemau normal am 3 wythnos ac eitemau benthyca cyfyngedig am 1 wythnos. Gellir rhoi eitemau sydd ar fenthyg ar hyn o bryd gan aelod arall ar gadw. Gallwch ail fenthyca eitemau dros y ffôn, drwy e-bost neu mewn person os nad ydynt yn orddyledus neu ar gadw gan aelod arall. Bydd rhaid i chi dalu cost adnewyddu os na chaiff yr eitem ei ddychwelyd.
Library members can borrow up to 6 items. Normal loan items are issued for 3 weeks and restricted loan items for one week. Items currently on loan to another borrower can be reserved. You can renew items by phone, or in person if they are not overdue or reserved by another borrower You will be charged the replacement cost of an item if it is not returned.
Tools And Resources for learning and living in a Digital Society Be safe in Cyberspace Defeat Space & Time with cloud.llandrillo Networking for learning Enter new dimensions in Moodle Dalick the Library into shape Infinitely improve your Information Literacy Use Quick Links to get there fast Exterminate exam anxiety Enter a new world of learning resources Be Lord of your Files & Folders Master the college ICT facilities Stay in contact with student Available Everywhere in MOODLE
Galactus,pa nofel graffig ddylwn i fenthyca?
Galactus,which graphic novel should I take out on loan ?
Dilynwch ni ar
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Half-hour sessions available each Thursday morning Contact Gareth Williams on extns 342/349 for further information or to book a session.
Mae angen i fyfyrwyr fod yn gyfrifol am yr amgylchedd, felly dylid gwneud defnydd o’r cyfleusterau argraffu pan fo hynny’n angenrheidiol yn unig a dylid osgoi argraffu copïau lluosog. O Fedi 2011 bydd cyfleuster o’r enw Papercut sy’n monitro’r gwaith argraffu yn cael ei weithredu ar bob safle. Bydd hwn yn monitro ac yn mewngofnodi’r holl waith argraffu ar rwydwaith y coleg. Darperir cyfleusterau argraffu ar gyfer dibenion academaidd y Coleg ac nid ar gyfer defnydd personol. Bydd Myfyrwyr yn cael eu dyrannu credyd argraffu o £10 bob tymor. Ni fydd myfyrwyr yn gallu argraffu os fydd eu balans yn negyddol, ac os nad oes ganddynt ddigon o gredyd i argraffu byddent yn derbyn neges i ddweud bod eu balans yn annigonol. Gall myfyrwyr brynu credydau argraffu ychwanegol o swyddfeydd cyllid ar safleoedd y coleg ac o feysydd staff eraill a gytunwyd arnynt.
Students need to be environmentally responsible, use onscreen print preview facilities, only use printing facilities when necessary, and avoid printing multiple copies. From September 2011 a print monitoring facility called Papercut, will be implemented across all sites. This will monitor and log all printing on the college network. Printing facilities are provided for College academic purposes only and not for personal use. Students will be allocated a £10 print credit each term. Students will not be able to go into a negative balance, if they do not have enough credit to print, the print job will not print and they will get a message to say they have an insufficient balance. Students will be able to pay for additional print credits at college site finance offices and other agreed staffed areas.
Ewch ati i Ddarllen! Casglwch gerdyn (gweler ar y dde) o'r cownter llyfrgell ac ysgrifennwch adolygiad ar lyfr rydych wedi ei ddarllen. Dychwelwch eich cerdyn wedi’i lenwi i’r llyfrgell er mwyn cofrestru ar gyfer raffl yn ystod Rhagfyr 2014.
Collect a card (see right) from the library counter and Write a review on a book that you have read. Hand in your completed card to the library to be entered in the prize draw during December Get Reading!
WIFI Name – WIFIGLLM Please ask a member of staff for the password
E-bost: neu Ffôn: (Llyfrgell) neu (Gweithdy TG)
or Tel: (Library) (IT Workshop)