Antiproton Acceptance Steve Werkema DOE Review February 24, 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

Antiproton Acceptance Steve Werkema DOE Review February 24, 2004

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 2 Scope Two Projects: 1.AP2 Beamline and Debuncher Acceptance Improvements Project Leader: Keith Gollwitzer 2.High Gradient Lithium Lens Upgrades Project Leader: Jim Morgan

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 3 Motivation Increase the number of antiprotons collected from the target by: Increasing the admittance of the AP2 beamline and the Debuncher to 35  mm-mrad Increasing the gradient of the collection lens to 100 kG/cm Note: Yield curves in model reduced by 10% to approximately account for chromatic effects

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 4 AP2 & Debuncher Acceptance Overview of plan Status

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 5 AP2 & Debuncher Acceptance -- Plan Identify Limiting Apertures  Assemble Documentation and Drawings (FNAL Tech. Div.) (WBS )  Optical Survey and Alignment (WBS )  Chromatic correction of the AP2 beamline (LBNL)(WBS )  Improve AP2 and Debuncher Lattice models (WBS )  Beam based determination of limiting apertures (WBS ) Mitigate aperture restrictions  Redesign/modify/rebuild/relocate beamline elements (WBS ) Implement Beam Based Alignment  Instrumentation upgrades (WBS ) AP2 BPMs Debuncher BPMs  Orbit control (WBS ) Install additional dipole trims in AP2 Motorized quad stands in the Debuncher  Beam Based Alignment (WBS ) Develop procedures Software development  Beam studies (WBS ) New

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 6 AP2 & Debuncher Acceptance – Beam Based Alignment Beam Based Alignment Excite quad  Measure Response  Correct Orbit We will be able to accomplish this because:  Most quads have shunts installed  Upgraded BPMs in the Debuncher and AP2  Greatly increased orbit correction capability in the Debuncher and AP2 New

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 7 AP2 & Debuncher Acceptance –– Chromatic Correction New Task added since July 2003: Chromatic Correction of the AP2 Beamline Work being done by LBNL  Model chromatic effects  Beam studies to test model  Propose correction scheme (August 2004) W Deb Debuncher Li Lens AP2 line chromatic  -functions

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 8 AP2 & Debuncher Acceptance –– Status (1) Identification of limiting Apertures Documentation and Drawings  AP2 Physical Aperture table complete. Apertures have been incorporated into the AP2 lattice model.  Debuncher Physical Aperture table was recently completed (still requires final error checking) Optical Survey  Tunnel work is 90% complete (work includes network setup)  Survey data are being compiled and analyzed Mitigate Aperture Restrictions Recent developments:  DRF3 move completed during the Fall 2003 shutdown  Design work started for vertical band 4 cooling array upgrade  Design work started for Debuncher extraction kicker beam pipe replacement

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 9 AP2 & Debuncher Acceptance –– Status (2) Implement Beam Based Alignment Instrumentation  AP2 BPMs Presently trying to understand and correct Deb. Extraction kicker noiseEst. Completion: SD 2004 DAQ hardware & software upgrade – Est. completion: Jan  Debuncher BPM upgrade All 6 sectors installed and operational Console software is functional and in routine use – some improvements are still being made. Orbit Control  Debuncher motorized quad stands 10 stands installed during the Fall 2003 shutdown 96 new bumps have been calculated and tested Install an additional 20 stands during the Summer 2004 shutdown

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 10 AP2 & Debuncher Acceptance –– Bumps Angle bump at the extraction kicker using a combination of trim dipoles and motorized quad stands. New Debuncher BPM control system application 

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 11 AP2 & Debuncher Acceptance –– Status (3) AP2 and Debuncher Lattice modeling  Working OptiM models of the AP2 line and the Debuncher exist  AP2 model has been updated with physical aperture information  Debuncher and AP2 models will be updated with physical aperture and survey information as the data becomes available  LBNL has developed a MAD model for the study of chromatic effects Beam Studies Recently completed studies (Sept – Feb. 2004):  Reverse proton studies Observation of beam signal on all AP2 BPM cables Commissioned the new Debuncher BPM electronics Commissioned bumps with new motorized quads (nearly complete) Development of beam based determination of Debuncher apertures  Stacking studies Measure AP2 + Debuncher admittance (development of measurement techniques) Development of AP2 BBA using Debuncher TBT  bumps in AP2

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 12 AP2 & Debuncher Acceptance † AP2 + Debuncher admittances reported at the July 2003 review were: Horizontal: 20  mm-mrad, Vertical: 12  mm-mrad * Debuncher admittances reported at the July 2003 review were: Horizontal: 25  mm-mrad, Vertical: 20  mm-mrad Measured AP2 + Debuncher Measured Debuncher Smallest Aperture Goal Horizontal (mm-mrad) 24 ± 3  † 28 ± 3   (12% increase since 7/03 ) 36  35  Vertical (mm-mrad) 18 ± 2  † 20 ± 2   30  35  Momentum±2.15%±2.30%--±2.25%

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 13 AP2 & Debuncher Acceptance –– Limiting Apertures † DRF3 was moved during the Fall 2003 shutdown and is no longer an aperture restriction. Table gives pre-move admittances. * The numbers in this column were calculated using  -functions at  p/p = 0 Device Horizontal Vertical * Band 4 H pickup36.8  36.3  48.7  Band 4 V pickup40.5  39.0  29.9  Band 4 H kicker36.0  35.5  48.7  Band 4 V kicker41.2  41.1  30.1  DRF3 † 70.2  Now 250  17.0  Now 250   Now 253  Deb Extr. kicker  21.9  35.8 

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 14 High Gradient Li Lens

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 15 High Gradient Li Lens – Goals & Plan Goal Goal: Operate a Lithium lens --  at a gradient of at least 1000 T/m (34%  )  for at least 10 million pulses ActionPlan Action Plan  New solid Li Lens design (began 2000) (WBS )  General Li Lens R&D (WBS )  Autopsies of failed lenses  FEA model of present design  R&D of various Lens technologies  Improve present Li Lens design (WBS )  Fabricate New Lenses (WBS )

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 16 High Gradient Lithium Lens – New Design Features:  Diffusion bonded titanium body  Improved cooling  Li buffer volumes eliminated Diffusion Bonding:  Better, more uniform cooling of lens body  May allow use of new Ti alloy (Ti 10V-2Fe-3Al has a 15 – 40% better fatigue endurance limit)  Simplified lens fabrication  Elimination of weld joints on septum

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 17 High Gradient Li Lens -- Status New Lens design (diffusion bonded lens)  Complete and test new lens design prototype #1 Presently being pulsed on test stand at design gradient Over 1.5x10 6 pulses so far Intend to pulse to failure  Construction on prototype #2 expected to begin in March 2004 General Lens R&D  Lens autopsies complete  Continue to refine and expand FEA model  Ti testing in process Modifications to existing lens design Presently operating a lens constructed with improved quality control procedures (Lens 28) In the pipeline: Lens 29 (available in 2 weeks) Lens 30 (available in ~10 weeks)

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 18 WBS Overview

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 19 Milestones

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 20 Major Shutdown Work Shutdown 2004  Install additional 20 motorized quad stands  Replace D4Q4  DRF2 Move Shutdown 2005  Wider Vertical Band 4 cooling arrays  Upgraded Debuncher Injection Septum (SD 2004? )  Motorized stands for Debuncher injection & extraction kickers  Possible modifications to Debuncher extraction kicker (SD 2004? )  Possible implementation of AP2 chromatic correction Shutdown 2006  New Debuncher extraction kicker (if not modified during SD 04/05)  Implement of AP2 chromatic correction (if not implemented during SD 2005)

Antiproton Acceptance – Steve Werkema 21 Conclusion – The Bottom Line  Present  p yield:  16   p /POT  Expected  p yield:  (1.1)  (33   p /POT)  = 36   p /POT 52   p /hr  52   p /hr Delivered to the Accumulator for stacking For: 8  POT/pulse (slip stacking) 2.0 sec cycle time Note: Yield curves in model reduced by 10% to approximately account for chromatic effects