The Sun and the stars
The sun is one of many stars that exist in the universe.
The Sun and the stars Essential questions 1. What is the Sun? 2. Why does the Sun appear to be so large? 3. How does the size of the Sun compare to the size of other stars? 4. What is the Sun’s size?
The Sun and the stars You’re responsible for: 1. Understanding the Essential Questions 2. Completing the vocabulary 3. Taking notes (slides/articles, videos) 4. Completing 2 projects 5. Completing the Study Guides 6. Answering the unit questions
The Sun and the stars Vocabulary 1. star 2. sunlight 3. solar energy 4. temperature (copy down the vocabulary words and complete in your science journal using the vocabulary format)
The Sun and the stars Taking notes Take notes about the slides that have pictures and any articles in your science journal. When watching videos, write down the title and list at least 3 things you learned in your science journal. Keep your notes from the slides on a separate sheet of paper from the ones you take for videos. Slide notesVideo notes
The Sun and the stars Study Guides Write down and complete your Study Guides in your science journal. Keep the Study Guides on a separate sheet of paper from your Notes (slide and video). Slide notesVideo notesStudy Guide
The Sun and the stars The sun appears to be the largest star in the sky because it is the closest star to Earth. The sun is a medium-sized star and is the only star in our solar system.
The Sun and the stars Some stars are larger than the sun and some stars are smaller than the sun. There are many other stars of different sizes in the universe. Because they are so far away, they do not appear as large as the sun.
The Sun and the stars Sun Here comes the sun! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby spew dozens of fun facts about our very own star, the sun! You’ll find out about its huge size as well as just how hot it is, both on the surface and in the sun’s middle parts (let’s just say you’d fry if you got anywhere near it)! You’ll also discover what the sun’s made of, as well as how it got its start way back at the beginning of our solar system’s history. And, you can find out what neat things go on near the sun’s surface, while getting pointers about how to protect yourself from the sun’s powerful rays.
The Sun and the stars Characteristics of the Sun Our Sun is an ordinary star — just one of billions of stars in our galaxy alone. However, as our own star, the Sun holds special status for us and is essential to our existence. The Sun's gravity holds the solar system together, and nuclear fusion within the Sun supplies the energy for life on Earth. Without the Sun, Earth would be a drastically different place. In this video segment adapted from NASA, learn some basic facts about our Sun.
The Sun and the stars
Project Solar energy collection is most effective in areas that receive direct sunlight for long periods of time. Research areas on Earth that receive direct sunlight Critique different zones of the Earth. Evaluate the data and make a recommendation (using the scientific data) to locate a solar energy facility. Share and defend the recommendation with the class.
The Sun and the stars
Project Differentiate between the Sun, a red dwarf and a blue giant star. Make a table or chart to represent the comparison. TypeSizeLife spanSupport life?Misc. Sun Red Dwarf Blue Giant
The Sun and the stars Sun Red Dwarf Blue Giant
The Sun and the stars Life Cycle of Stars What happens to a star when it dies? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will teach you all the secrets of the stars-- how they form, how long they live, and what happens when they die. In particular, you’ll discover what will happen to our star, the sun, when it’s ready to expire--we’d better have another place to live at that point, because things on Earth might get a bit toasty! You’ll learn why some stars just peter out and die quietly, while others go out in a huge blaze of glory--and others still collapse so rapidly on themselves that they turn into black holes !
The Sun and the stars Misconceptions about the Sun
The Sun and the stars Essential questions 1. What is the Sun? 2. Why does the Sun appear to be so large? 3. How does the size of the Sun compare to the size of other stars? 4. What is the Sun’s size?
The Sun and the stars Questions 1. Why does the Sun appear to be so large in the sky? (2 points) 2. How does the size of the Sun compare to the size of other stars? (2 points)