Constantinople Byzantine Empire ( A.D.)
Why move Capital to Byzantium (Constantinople) Distant from Germanic Invasions Key trading location (Black-Baltic Seas) Fortified by 3 walls and on peninsula (protection)
Map of Constantinople Area:
Byzantine Empire:
Role of Constantinople Capital of Byzantine Empire until 1453 (Ottoman Turks take over) Preserves and spreads Greco-Roman culture
Justinian Justinian Code-useful laws of Romans, serves as laws for 900 years Re-conquest of most of Roman Empire lands Greatest Byzantine Emperor
Emperor Justinian
Understanding #1 Byzantine Empire reaches its height under Justinian and his law code provided stability for years to come
Byzantine contributions Justinian builds the Hagia Sophia-largest dome shaped Church Preserves Greco-Roman Culture in libraries Greek language Greek Orthodox Christianity (Icons, Mosaics)
Examples of Byzantine Culture
Understanding #2 After fall of Roman Empire in 476, Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire continued the tradition of Greco-Roman culture and preserved the ideas of the Classical era for future generations
What famous Byzantine Christian architecture is this? A. A. Forum B. B. Hagia Sophia C. C. Pantheon D. D. Parthenon
What famous Byzantine Emperor reconquered much of old Roman territory and created a law code? A. A. Justinian B. B. Constantine C. C. Augustus D. D. Theodosius
Which of the following reasons made Constantinople a great capital for the Byzantine Empire A. A. It was the religious center of the world B. B. It was located west of Rome C. C. It was easily fortified by walls D. D. It was not located near any bodies of water
What language was spoken in the Byzantine Empire? A. A. Roman B. B. Latin C. C. English D. D. Sanskrit
This would be an example of what type of Byzantine artwork? A. A. Icon B. B. Self Portrait C. C. Mosaic D. D. Oil Painting
According to this map, how many continents was the Byzantine Empire located on? A. A. 1 B. B. 2 C. C. 3 D. D. 4
What religion did the Byzantines practice? A. A. Roman Catholicism B. B. Judaism C. C. Zoroastrianism D. D. Eastern Orthodox
Who conquered the Byzantine Empire in 1453? A. A. Romans B. B. Germanic Tribes C. C. Ottomans D. D. British