The Labour Standards Act Background Notes SLO: I can become familiar with statutes that promote fair workplace practices and fair treatment in the workplace. I can appreciate the benefits to employers and employees of fair workplace practices.
General The current Labour Standards Act was passed in Major amendments were made to the Act in The Act applies to all Saskatchewan employers and employees except farm workers, casual babysitters and employees who work in jurisdictions that are governed by federal law (e.g., railways, banks, airports, radio arid television.) The Department has eight offices across the province that provides information, investigate complaints and work with employers and employees to resolve disputes.
Promoting Fairness in the Workplace One of the major vehicles for maintaining fair workplace practices in Saskatchewan is The Labour Standards Act. This Act contributes to, promotes and maintains fair working conditions, in the province of Saskatchewan, in a number of ways. Its primary purpose is to protect workers by setting a minimum or basic standard for working conditions with regard to hours of work, overtime, termination and holiday pay. Employers can give their employees more than what is provided for under the Act but not less. In this way, it sets a minimum standard for what is considered to be acceptable and fair workplace practices in Saskatchewan.
The Act also protects employers from unfair competition in the marketplace by ensuring all employers operate under the same workplace rules. For example, all employers are required to pay the same basic rate of overtime to all their employees (1.5 x hourly rate). The Act also ensures that what is important to us, as a society, is reflected in our workplaces. As a society, Saskatchewan people value family and family time. The provisions in the Act dealing with family leaves (maternity, adoption, parental, bereavement) reflect this value that we place on family. As a society, we consider it a fair workplace practice to provide workers in Saskatchewan with time off to attend to family matters.
Rights and Responsibilities The Act sets standards in the workplace by setting out rights as well as responsibilities, for both employees and employers. Employers have the responsibility to provide their employees with at least a 30-minute break. Employers have the right to determine when employees will take their annual vacation leave. Employees have the responsibility to take the holiday time as assigned by the employer. Both employers and employees have a responsibility to know what minimum employment standards the Act sets for fair working conditions in their particular occupation and to act in accordance with them.