WLGA Event - Workshop 7: Engaging communities and providers in the sustainable delivery of services and management of assets Community Delivery 10 March.


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Presentation transcript:

WLGA Event - Workshop 7: Engaging communities and providers in the sustainable delivery of services and management of assets Community Delivery 10 March 2015 Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales Powys as a place… Covers a quarter of Wales - 2,000 square miles Most sparsely populated county in England & Wales Population (estimated) 132,705 Second oldest population in Wales with the number of young people falling and number of older people rising (predicted that by 2021 nearly six out of ten people will be over x town and community councils

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales Powys’ Response - Powys 2020 New vision “Strong Communities in the Green Heart of Wales” Sustaining our communities for the future by designing and delivering services with the community A strong community may well be responsible for many of the services within its locality and have developed local supply chains in partnership with local businesses

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales COMMUNITY DELIVERY – in house New Behaviours / Skills required Letting go of control / whilst remaining accountable Bottom up network construction – delegation, encouragement, empowering networks, problem solving Leadership paradigm – for us to define Direction within Chaos

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales COMMUNITY DELIVERY – with communities Need to create a narrative Need to provide direction with degrees of uncertainty Need to realise cost reduction at pace Need to remain grounded in the community

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales Community Delivery - status Proactive interest from Cabinet and members Council’s budget/community delivery workshops held Sept/Oct 2014 Letter to T&CC’s outlining proposed direction of travel Transition period to 2016/17 – although public conveniences and recreation/playgrounds will continue for transfer sooner

One Powys Plan Governance Structure Local Service Board (LSB) Integrated Health and Adult Social Care Children and Young People Transforming Learning and Skills Stronger Communities Organisational and Partnership Development Welsh Government Agency Governance PCC Cabinet, PtHB, PAVO, Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner Scrutiny

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales Resource Town and Community Council Liaison Community Delivery Project Board Business Case successful: Project Manager Communications officer FinanceHR Other support services committed to using existing resource Transferring services - resource found from existing capacity Resource requirements will be kept under review

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales Current position 1.Dialogue with 6 x Pilot Towns 2.Strategic Lead identified for pilot towns 3.Other towns/communities want to be involved! 4.‘Clustering’ approach 5.Transfer of some services underway

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales Potential services for transfer  Allotments  Car Parks  Day Centres  Grounds Maintenance – within Town/Village boundary  Library Services  Markets (indoor)  Meals on wheels underway)  Museums  Outdoor Recreation  Playgrounds  Public toilets  RoW - recruit Vols.  Street Scene – cleaning, bins etc.  Transport – e.g. community schemes  Tourist Information  Village Halls & community centres  Woodlands  Youth provision

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales Issues Information required – centrally held (i.e. financial, liabilities, TUPE, etc.) Need for consistent approach/messages on the ground Pace of change required -v- pace realistically achieved Frustration from communities Determining financial incentives Risk of reputational damage Aligning service resource to meet demand

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales Next Steps o Service catalogue templates being completed o One Stop Shop for services developed - FAQs, Guidance notes, step by step guide – signposts to CAT process, community toolkits, etc. o Transfer Guide for Communities to be developed - good practice Community Asset/Service Transfer Toolkit o Ensure joined up ‘Council’ approach/conversation – using the Project team as co-ordination point o Identify other senior staff as town leads for roll out o Communication, communication, communication!

Cymunedau cryf yng nghalon werdd Cymru Strong communities in the green heart of Wales Finally Thanks for listening… any questions? Further information contact: Susan Simpson Executive Support Manager Cyngor Sir Powys County Council /